Podcasts 2021


Valerie Canino is an author, intuitive mom and a certified life coach who works primarily with teens and their parents. She serves as the bridge for connection between parents and their teens and through her coaching, she heals families, so they feel listened to, liberated, and loved in their relationship together. In this podcast:

  • Valerie explains why the connection between parents and teens is so important

  • Why teens need to ‘own’ their decisions.

  • How parents can develop their parenting instincts

Dr Russell Thackeray’s podcast from December 2020 talks about the rather strange circumstances we found ourselves in 2020 and how we could launch ourselves into 2021. Unfortunately, much of this is still very relevant to the uncertain times we find ourselves in again this year so we thought it could be useful to return to it. In this podcast:

  • Dr Thackeray looks at how we need to either stop and rejuvanate ourselves or invest in ourselves to plan forward

  • The importance of resilience particularly at this time of year

  • How the narrative we use can help our mental state and how confirmation bias can help give us the things we believe in.

Doug Noll works with people on how to solve difficult, intractable, and highly emotional problems. A business and commercial trial lawyer for 22 years before turning to leadership development, problem-solving, and peacemaking, he now maintains a high-level mediation and arbitration practice. He has also been voted as one of the Best Lawyers in America since 2005, by US News & World Report and has written several books and numerous articles on peacemaking, restorative justice, conflict resolution and mediation. In this podcast:

  • Doug explains the four basic ways of dealing with conflict

  • Why we revert to childhood patterns when we find ourselves in conflict situations

  • The importance of listening to other people’s emotions.

Wendy Björk has been living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for over 35 years. In living with the illness, she has come to realise how many gaps in care exist. She is now leading a global revolution to change the face of MS and bridge those gaps through her work as an extreme pioneer in advocacy and mentorship, In this podcast:

  • Wendy explains what MS is and some of it’s symptoms

  • The importance of mindset and of maintaining a positive attitude

  • The role of diet, environment and relationships in dealing with MS.

Paul Denniston has been a student of yoga for 20 years and is a certified teacher in Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Kundalini Yoga, and Laughter Yoga. He founded Grief Yoga and has since trained thousands of therapists and health-care professionals around the world on healing grief in the US and around the world. He has studied with some of the top leaders in loss, David Kessler, as well as William Worden, Elisabeth Kübler Ross, and Peter Levine, and now teaches Grief Yoga in one of the largest hospices in Los Angeles. In this podcast:

  • Paul explains how Grief Yoga can help people move through challenging emotions such as anger or anxiety

  • How holding onto pain in the body can manifest itself

  • Why we need to acknowledge our grief.

Derek Newborn has run a successful fitness coaching business, been a published fitness model and overcome depression and suicide attempts. Through his trials, tribulations, and downfalls, Derek has been to create a blueprint of success for the modern man. Through his own acknowledgment of once being a full blown narcissist he is helping men all over the world avoid the costly pitfalls of the modern male society. In this podcast:

  • Derek explains how he lost himself emotionally and mentally

  • What narcissism is and how Derek dealt with it

  • The emotional and mental attachment to the fitness journey.

Dr Russell Thackeray has long been fascinated by the subject of Psychological Safety and how it aligns with Burnout and Resilience. In this podcast he discusses what psychological safety is, what its about and what it has to offer us. In this podcast:

  • Dr Thackeray discusses what psychological safety is

  • What it’s all about

  • What it has to offer us

  • Some of the different theoretical ideas around psychological safety.

Clarke Boozer Is a survivor and still lives with a life threatening muscle disease. He was diagnosed with Polymyositis in 2002 when he suddenly lost his ability to work, walk and look after himself.  Initially devastated, Clarke found that this physical setback was actually a blessing and an opportunity to share his experiences with others who are dealing with adversity. In this podcast:

  • Clarke talks about how he used positive energy to overcome the illness

  • What his initial reaction was when he received his diagnosis?

  • What inspired him to to get where he is today

Nicki Pike’s journey is one of growth and loss. She grew up in Alberta, Canada before moving to a bigger city and completing her degree in psychology, Over the last 10 years, she has gone through fertility treatment, got divorced, faced multiple sexual assaults, lost her mother in 2019 and then her brother in 2020.  She survived each of these events and is now living her life the best way she knows how, which is one day at a time.  In this podcast:

  • Nicki talks about the built up anger she felt when her brother died

  • How we take on the labels other people give us

  • Why we should about talk grief and loss early on.

Jeff Martinovich was Founder and CEO  of MICG Investment Management, a nationally recognised, billion dollar wealth management firm. Following the 2008 Financial Crisis, MICG’s proprietary hedge funds experienced regulatory scrutiny and allegations. Jeff defended his firm in federal court but was convicted and sentenced to 14-years in federal prison.  His case was then reversed twice with two separate U.S. District Court Judges being removed when his successful federal suit uncovered fraud and collusion. In 2020, after nearly 7 years, he was released to home confinement and began his journey of rebuilding, restoring and turning disadvantages into advantages. In this podcast:

  • Jeff talks about the problems that led to him being sent to prison

  • How he dealt with the huge changes in his life

  • How perseverance and resilience helped him get stronger

Kathy Hagler is known as an organisational healer and partners with organisations through good times, crises, challenges, and obstacles. She helps to move their culture, climate, and character forward with clear vision, strategic intent, and success in an everchanging world. Mentored by both Dr. Peter Drucker and Dr. W. Edwards Deming, she is a pioneer in the field of organisational development. In this podcast:

  • Kathy explains the similarities between organisations and people and how they can both break

  • How she uses the Japanese art of Kinstugi or "gold joinery” as a metaphor for healing scars

  • Why culture drives every aspect of development, learning, execution, and reflection.

David Richman is an author, public speaker, philanthropist, and endurance athlete whose mission is to form more meaningful human connections through storytelling. In his first book, Winning in the Middle of the Pack, he discussed how to get more out of ourselves than ever imagined. With Cycle of Lives, David shares the interconnected stories of people overcoming trauma and delves deeply into their emotional journeys with cancer. In this podcast:

  • David explains about the ‘light switch’ moment when he realised he needed to turn his life around

  • Why we should stop worrying about what other people think.

  • The importance of communicating the emotional side of cancer

Faith Elicia has been on a seven-year path of recovery from an eating disorder. Though it there have been many highs and lows, but most importantly, there have been opportunities for growth and change. Faith’s eating disorder doesn't define her. She lives a full life with three kids, has been married for over 26 years, manages her husband's medical practice and has a Master's in Education with a specialisation in Learning Disabilities, and is a published romance author. In this podcast:

  • Faith talks about the different types of eating disorders

  • The link between eating disorders and trauma

  • How small actions can change thinking and lead to recovery

William Allen After getting a degree in Psychology William found himself in a thirty-year career as an Information Technology Manager. He retired early from his corporate job to found his hypno-coaching and neurofeedback brain training business and also co-organised the area’s first Introvert/Highly Sensitive Person discussion group and began his blog The Sensitive Man which became the genesis of his book, Confessions of a Sensitive Man. In this podcast:

  • Bill explains why men need to recognise that sensitivity is a human trait

  • The specific characteristics that make up high sensitivity

  • Why men don’t allow themselves to be seen as sensitive.

Francine Russo is a widely recognised journalist who covered the Boomer beat for Time for over a decade as well as writing for Scientific American, The Atlantic, and other major publications. For her latest book Love After 50: How to find it, enjoy it and keep it, she interviewed a wide range of experts and dozens of couples who found love in later life as well as sharing her own story, which includes being widowed twice before finding her current partner of five years. In this podcast:

  • Francine explains why she wrote her book Love after 50

  • The need to be comfortable with ourselves and of being single before we start to build new relationships

  • How time negates relationships and why when we’re older relationships take on a different structure

Jay Shifman is an open book. His story of struggle is familiar to the millions of people the world over who also struggle with issues of mental health, substance misuse, and addiction. Now in long-term recovery, it’s Jay’s mission to encourage difficult conversations and honest education concerning these and similar struggles. In this podcast:

  • Jay explains how he struggled with mental health, substance misuse and addiction following a misdiagnosis in his teens

  • Why he decided to get himself off prescription drugs despite medical advice

  • Why taking the decision to get off the drugs is just the beginning and how the journey tests both mental health and resilience.

Radha Ruparell is a global cross-sector leader with expertise in leadership development and personal transformation. She has worked with CEOs, Fortune 500 senior executives, social entrepreneurs, and grassroots leaders around the world and heads the Collective Leadership Accelerator at Teach For All, a global network of independent organisations in 60 countries committed to developing leadership in classrooms and communities to ensure all children fulfill their potential. In this podcast:

  • Radha shares the effect Covid had on her life

  • How she used her leadership experience to overcome the challenges of Covid

  • Why its a mistake to resist uncertainty.

Claudia Tinnirello is originally from Sicily but has lived in England since 2005. Following redundancy, she set up her own web design business. Not being an English native speaker, she understands the struggles of overcoming judgement and the fear of making mistakes when speaking a foreign language and has discovered ways of becoming a confident public speaker by sharing her voice in many different ways. In this podcast:

  • Claudia talks about why she decided to leave Sicilly

  • How she become a better and more confident public speaker

  • How she used the difficulties she faced to become stronger.

Jennifer Crowley is a certified life coach primarily works with women looking to make impactful changes in themselves and in their lives. Prior to her professional life as a coach and consultant, Jennifer made the decision to leave behind a successful 20-year career as an executive in the wine industry to follow her calling and share her path to change and fulfillment. In this podcast:

  • Jennifer talks about when she realised that her life wasn’t meant to be so ‘hard’.

  • How to mentally and physically prepare for change

  • How journaling can help in the change process.

Pat Moffett wrote and produced the award-winning film "Ice Cream in the Cupboard" about the true story of caring for his late wife who had Early Onset Alzheimer's. After his wife’s death in 2010, Pat continued to work with the Alzheimer's Association, raising awareness of the illness and providing support for the caregivers and loved ones of Early Onset Alzhimer's victims. In this podcast:

  • Pat talks about how Early Onset Alzheimer’s can present itself

  • How patients strength and anger can lead to violent behaviour

  • The importance of caregivers finding time and support for themselves

Wendy Tamis Robbinsanxiety, obsessive-compulsive and panic disorders started when she was a young child growing up in a volatile household. Anxiety controlled her life well into adulthood, to the point of agoraphobia. Though she dabbled in treatment from time to time, it took many years and an unsuccessful marriage before she finally took hold of her mental health and, through introspection, meditation, re-parenting and self-administered exposure therapy, escaped from her self-inflicted prison. In this podcast:

  • Wendy explains how anxiety manifested itself when she was a child

  • How she tried to mask her anxiety by adopting perfectionism and people pleasing traits.

  • The roadmap to choosing thoughts that serve you better.

Rusty Gaillard was on his way to becoming CEO of Apple one day when he said ‘Hmm. No thanks.’ He stepped down from his role as Worldwide Director of Finance, giving up the race for success in tech. Off the path he had followed his whole working life, he soon found himself stuck in a job that was no longer meaningful. Not willing to check his soul at the door every day, he searched for the next step. Five years later he was asked for the first time in his life a new and powerful question that changed his life. In this podcast:

  • Rusty explains how we all work towards a ‘code’ or belief system

  • Breaking the ‘code’ so we can make changes

  • How creating a picture beyond our current code becomes the motivation and key to break the code.

Georgie Oldfield MCSP, is a leading physiotherapist and UK Specialist in a pioneering approach to chronic pain that is evidence-based, educational and focuses on self-empowerment. Georgie is a clinician and author, having published her book, ‘Chronic Pain: your key to recovery’ in 2014. Through her company, SIRPA, Georgie also developed the first training programme in this field, enabling health professionals to learn how to integrate this approach and the concept on which it is based within their own work. In this podcast:

  • Georgie explains how the mind and body perceives pain

    Why pain can remain even if the body has healed

  • The way our attitude towards pain can affect the degree of pain we feel.

Erica and Patrick Chester married in 2006 and their first child was born in 2009. All the pieces were in place for a young family to realise their dreams but those dreams would face a major setback as Patrick was living a secret life as a gambling addict. Patrick kept his addiction a secret from the time they got married until 2015 when he entered treatment before going to jail six weeks later. After the shame, guilt, and broken relationships, Patrick has rebuilt his life and he and Erica are an amazing testament to recovery, and never giving up on what’s most important in life, family. In this podcast Erica and Patrick:

  • talk about separating the person from the addiction

  • the importance of building trust and transparency

  • finding the right support.

Dr Steven Gardner is an internist at Massachusetts General Hospital, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, past Medical Director of the Massachusetts Special Olympics and past winner of the Harvard Medical School Humanism in Medicine Award. His son Graham was unable to speak or to walk on his own but forged meaningful relationships wherever he went. His cerebral palsy forced him to rely on other people yet he personified joy and he lived love. His inspirational story serves as a reminder that each of us has the potential to live a purposeful life.  In this podcast:

  • Steven explains what Cerebral Palsy is and its effects.

  • The legacy of love and kindness left by his son Graham

  • The background of Camp Jabberwocky.

Julie Cluff is a speaker, author, international life and grief coach and the founder and owner of Build a Life After Loss. As a life and grief coach, she helps those who are grieving to rebuild their life after loss and is the author of the book Miracles in the Darkness in which she shares her experiences with grief, including the death of her two youngest children in a car accident on Mother’s Day in 2007, and her journey back to hope and healing.  In this podcast:

  • Julie talks about the importance of self-forgiveness

  • Why we need to separate the pain from the person

  • Building meaningful support systems that encourage certainty of hope.

Steven Campbell worked in hospital administration for twenty years before acquiring his Masters at the University of San Francisco and going on to pursue his greatest love, teaching. As a University Professor and Educational Dean in Northern California for the last 20 years, he now presents an eye-opening look at how our brains conform to and how optimise the messages we give them, so they literally rewire themselves to create new, positive self-images of how we see ourselves, and who we want to be. In this podcast:

  • Steven talks about discovering how your brain learns from your thoughts and the information you feed it.

  • Understanding how your brain believes and accepts everything you tell it.

  • Learning to think in new ways that will help you make positive life changes.

Dr Gail Gazelle is a former hospice physician, part-time Harvard Medical School Assistant Professor, and Master Certified Coach for physicians. A long-time mindfulness practitioner and educator, she is also a certified mindfulness meditation teacher. Over the past decade, Dr. Gazelle has coached over 500 physicians and physician leaders on leadership development, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and moving from burnout to balance. In this podcast:

  • Dr Gazelle explains what resilience is and what can deplete it

  • Factors that contribute to burnout

  • The importance of self-compassion

Laura Khoudari is a trauma practitioner, certified personal trainer, and corrective exercise specialist whose work grew out of her own experience healing from trauma.  Laura designed an holistic program to support her own treatment for PTSD that combined talk therapy, mindfulness, bodywork, and strength training. Realising there weren’t more people in the fitness space equipped to help clients living with trauma, she decided to become the trauma informed personal trainer and coach she wished she had had. In this podcast:

  • Laura explains what trauma is

  • The importance of being in touch with your body in therapy

  • The different elements that make up body-based trauma healing.

Lawrence Doochin is a survivor of harrowing childhood sexual abuse who has traveled a long journey of emotional and spiritual healing and developed an in-depth understanding of how our beliefs create our reality. He has worked for or been associated with enterprises from small startups to multinational corporations and is the cofounder of HUSO sound therapy, which delivers powerful healing benefits to individuals and professionals worldwide. In this podcast:

  • Lawrence talks about what fear is and why we need it

  • The different types of fear and we how we feel some individually and others collectively

  • How we need to pull our attention back to the present where fear cannot exist.

Janet Watson is a former professional figure skater, coach and choreographer. Subsequent film and TV projects led to a career as a Fortune 500 corporate spokesperson traveling extensively on media engagements while working with producers, newsrooms and journalists. She taught communications as adjunct professor for 8 years before founding her own consultancy business. With her background in competitive sport, Janet believes mindset is a key component to success. In this podcast: ·

  • Janet discusses what she learnt about mindset during her athletic career

  • Why we need to ‘hone it till we own it’

  • How mindset can help in assessing opportunities

Julian Reeve is a former music director of the Broadway musical Hamilton, whose high standards propelled him to the top 1% of his industry and triggered a heart attack shortly after. Now a healthy, healed, and sought-after speaker on perfectionism, he offers fresh perspectives on how perfectionism is both perceived and managed. He has also written Captain Perfection & the Secret of Self-Compassion: A Self-Help Book for the Young Perfectionist. In this podcast:

  • Julian explains the link between perfectionism, music and performance

  • The different types of perfectionism and the need to create equilibrium between them

  • How to spot maladaptive perfectionism in young people

Holly Bertone is the President and CEO of Pink Fortitude, LLC, and founder of Fortitude.Academy and the health and wellness website pinkfortitude.com. Holly spent the first 10 years of her career as a recruiter before becoming a Chief of Staff in the federal government service. As well as having a highly successful career, Holly took part in triathlons and was a mountain bike racer but she was diagnosed and treated first for breast cancer and then for the autoimmune illness, Hashimoto Disease. Holly turned these two significant health challenges into a passion to help transform the lives for women struggling with chronic illness by sharing the power of gratitude. In this podcast:

  • Holly explains the benefits of practicing gratitude

  • Why we all need fortitude or inner strength

  • The importance of a positive narratives and messages

Russell Heath has has led an incredibly varied life. He’s lived in a cabin in Alaska, traveled across the Sahara, through the jungles and over the savannas of Africa and into southern Asia and sailed alone around the world in a 25-foot wooden boat. He’s also written novels, cycled the spine of the Rockies and been involved in fighting to protect Alaska’s coastal rainforests. He now lives in New York City and coaches business and non-profit leaders intent on making big things happen in the world. In this podcast:

  • Russell discusses how the behaviours and values we develop at a young age impact on us later in life

  • How the Ontology style of coaching works

  • How changing our purpose or narrative can help us get unstuck.

Barbie Wharton was a dancer before becoming a producer and entrepreneur with her own company B1 Dance Productions.  Barbie has suffered from Bells Palsy, a condition that causes a temporary weakness or paralysis of the muscles in the face, since 2015. Because there wasn’t a lot of information available she decided to set up Bellspalsytalk.com, a community where people can come together and talk to other people who are going through the same thing. In this podcast:

  • Barbie discusses why she wasn’t ready to let the dance world go and needed to get back up and try again!

  • The need to speak up and use her voice

  • Losing her illusion of what her life should look like.

Dr David Hanscom was an orthopedic complex spinal deformity surgeon in Seattle WA for 32 years. He quit his surgical practice in 2019 to focus on teaching people how to break loose from the grip of chronic mental and physical pain, with and without surgery. Having dealt with with his own severe chronic pain for 15 years he is passionate about finding better answers to optimise his patients’ outcomes and gain a better understanding of the root cause of chronic, mental and physical pain. In this podcast:

  • Dr Hanscom explains how anxiety is the result of the body’s reaction to a threat or stress

  • How chronic pain is generated from sustained exposure to a threat

    • Why intrusive or repressed thoughts and emotions are as serious as physical threats.

Patrick Chester spent 15 years as a gambling addict and in the process lost millions and destroyed his family. He resorted to criminal acts to feed his addiction, ultimately ending up in jail. He’s now 5 years free of his addiction and now has a new purpose in life. After spending many years taking from people to feed his addiction, he now gives back! In this podcast:

  • Patrick talks about how gambling took over his life

  • How difficult it is to see that someone has a gambling addiction

  • Why he now feels serving a jail term for his crimes was a good thing for him

Susan De Lorenzo is an author, speaker and certified transformational life coach who focuses on helping women who are emerging from life-altering adversities. As a survivor of invasive breast cancer whose marriage dissolved as treatment ended, Susan draws upon her personal journey as well as her training to give clients the mindsets and tools to rebuild their lives.In this podcast:

  • Susan talks about the shock of receiving her breast cancer diagnosis

  • The importance of developing our relationship with ourselves

  • How adversity affects our relationships.

Adam Weber is an author, speaker and highly successful commercial real estate business owner. He also has a progressive form of Multiple Sclerosis and uses meditation as a way of helping him to calm his mind, reduce his stress and see improvements in his pain and other symptoms. He also helps other people learn to deal with their stress though his ‘Easy to Meditate’ programme. In this podcast:

  • Adam talks about his ‘Easy to Mediate’ approach

  • ‘Meditation not Medicine’

  • The mental, physical and emotional problems created by stress,

Corry MacDonald is a Creative Healer integrating her training as an art therapist, HeartSpeaker and energy healer into her advanced cognitive coach training. With over two decades of cross cultural experience of living abroad in five countries, Corry’s loves teaching people how to uncover and activate their innate creative intelligence. In this podcast:

  • Corry explains how she uses creative expression in healing and mental wellbeing

  • How we can get stuck by heavy, trapped emotions and how to change them for lighter ones

  • The way art therapy tools can be used in conjunction with neuroscience techniques.

James Boardman is a former Royal Marine Commando Sniper and Physical Trainer. He left the Royal Marines in 2011 after eight years to pursue a family life but struggled to come to terms with being back in a normal life. Conflicting identities caused him to turn to drink and within three years he was divorced, on the verge of losing his house, and struggling to find a path. Minutes away from attempting suicide James managed to pull himself away from this environment long enough to see a new path. In this podcast:

  • James talks about the ‘Elite Operating Mindset’ and building character, values and principals

  • The four pillars of Health, Relationships, Personal Development and Business

  • Control, clarity and consistency - and 1% a day improvement.

Michael Schauch lives to explore remote places around the world and share the depth and beauty of human connection. With over 20 years of global financial investment experience, Mike now brings his business acumen and altruism to help lead and support local and international mentorship, fundraising, and educational initiatives in Nepal. In this podcast:

  • Michael talks about the attraction of mountaineering

  • The importance of knowing yourself, your sensitivities and your intuition

  • Finding positives when things don’t go to plan

Georgie Williams is a deferred- PhD researcher at University College Dublin, specialising in Transgender, Genderqueer, Nonbinary and Intersex experiences from a transnational perspective. Georgie writes about aspects of sexuality, structural violence, borders and bodies as sites of resistance through interdisciplinary and intersectional lenses. In this podcast:

  • Georgie talks about the benefits of engaging with diversity in the workplace

  • How globalisation has helped the younger generation find their community

  • How visability and representation can lead to social change.

Nancy McKay is based in Lakewood, Colorado and is the founder of Amazing Outlook Coaching. Having survived some challenging and life changing events, she became acutely aware that life is short, and that she needed to follow her dreams. She completely changed course at the age of 60 and became a Certified Mind-Body-Eating Coach in 2018, a Certified Wayfinder Life Coach in 2019 and a Certified Equus Coach in 2020. In this podcast:

  • Nancy talks about how getting sober and surviving ovarian cancer helped her change her life

  • What Equus Coaching is and what the benefits are

  • How its the way we think about circumstances not the circumstances themselves that’s important.

Daniel Jenkins qualified as a solicitor in October 2015, first working in South Wales before moving to London to set up a business as a consultant solicitor. Additionally, he has set up and runs The Freelance Entrepreneur, a podcast designed to help young entrepreneurs with the practical steps of starting up, running and growing a business. In this podcast:

  • Daniel talks about generational attitudes to technology

  • The link between technology and self-awareness

  • Maintaining meaning and purpose.

Dr Sara Geber is a nationally recognised authority and expert in the area of life planning and retirement transition. She’s a certified retirement coach and sought after speaker as well as a regular contributor to Forbes.com on subjects of aging and retirement. She has also been quoted extensively in USA Today, the Huffington Post, Time Magazine and The Wall Street Journal. In this podcast:

  • Sara talks about the way the Baby Boomer generation look at retirement

  • The things we should all be thinking about when planning for retirement

  • The additional things solo agers should be considering.

John Marx is the Executive Director of the Law Enforcement Survival Institute. John served for twenty-three years in a municipal police department and county sheriff’s office including being a hostage negotiator for 19 years. He is now editor of a law enforcement wellness website and helps support first responders and their families. In this podcast:

  • John talks about the stress emergency service personnel feel

  • Why resilience is important to first responders

  • The importance of intentionality

Bob Krulish was incorrectly diagnosed with depression and placed on a medication that would ultimately cause him to ruin his own life. Once he received the proper diagnosis of Bipolar 1 Disorder, he was able to slowly put his life back together and soon found the strength to share his struggles with others. Now, he coaches private clients and their families to better manage the disorder. In this podcast:

  • Bob explains what Bipolar Disorder is

  • The effect it can have on everyday life

  • Different ways of managing the symptoms

Nate Regier, Ph.D., is the CEO and founding owner of Next Element Consulting, a global leadership firm dedicated to bringing compassion into the workplace. Nate is a former practicing psychologist and expert in social-emotional intelligence, interpersonal communication, and leadership and is recognised as a top 100 keynote speaker. In this podcast:

  • Nate talks about diversity, conflict and the drama triangle

  • The skill set leaders need to manage diversity and conflict

  • Personality differences and inclusion

Dr Jonathan H. Westover, Ph.D. is a US-based thought leader, entrepreneur, management consultant, author, teacher, and research academic. He leads the Organisational Leadership Department at Utah Valley University and also undertakes research on global comparisons in worker engagement and satisfaction, and the drivers of worker motivation across the world. In this podcast:

  • Dr Westover talks about organisational trends and developments

  • Global systems and their influence on organisational dynamics and the motivation of employees

  • The contextulisation of theories and ideas

Kimberly Spencer is an award-winning high performance coach and trainer, Amazon best-selling co-author, international motivational speaker, and the founder of CrownYourself.com. Kimberley helps visionary leaders build their empire and stand out in their full potential in their bodies, businesses, and relationships. In this podcast

  • Kimberly talks about the importance of narrative

  • How we can recognise the choices we have

  • The link between identity and choice

Steve Prentice is a published author, keynote speaker, university lecturer, and full-time consultant to Fortune 500 companies. His specialty is explaining the practical and emotional impacts and benefits of technological change in regard to productivity, collaboration and life balance, and in providing practical steps to make these changes work. In this podcast:

  • Steve talks about the work scenario over the next five to ten years.

  • Digital literacy

  • The importance of ‘time on’ and ‘time off’

Podcast Archive - 2020, 2019 and 2018 Podcasts are available here.