Derek Newborn - A blueprint for life. Moving on from extreme narcissism.

Derek Newborn was named one of Florida's Top Personal Trainer’s before going on to become a published fitness model. The more attention he received though, the more self destructive he became in every aspect of his life. This led to rock bottom, multiple suicide attempts and the realisation that he had become a full blown narcissist. After accepting that though, he devoted himself to changing that version of himself whilst helping victims of narcissim gain back control of their heart and minds and avoid the costly pitfalls of the modern male society.

Through his trials, tribulations, and downfalls, Derek has been able to create a blueprint of success for the modern man. Through his own acknowledgment of once being a full blown narcissist, he is helping men avoid the common pitfalls that lead to extreme narcissism as well as show others what to look for to avoid entering a relationship with a narcissist. In this podcast:

  • Derek explains how he lost himself emotionally and mentally

  • What narcissism is and how Derek dealt with it

  • The emotional and mental attachment to the fitness journey.

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