Holly Bertone - Attitude to Gratitude. Turning a challenge into a benefit to others.

Holly Bertone is the President and CEO of Pink Fortitude, LLC, and founder of Fortitude.Academy and the health and wellness website pinkfortitude.com. Holly spent the first 10 years of her career as a recruiter before becoming a Chief of Staff in the federal government service. As well as having a highly successful career, Holly took part in triathlons and was a mountain bike racer but she was diagnosed and treated first for breast cancer and then for the autoimmune illness, Hashimoto Disease. Holly turned these two significant health challenges into a passion to help transform the lives for women struggling with chronic illness by sharing the power of gratitude. She is based in Alexandria, Virginia. In this podcast:

  • Holly explains the benefits of practicing gratitude

  • Why we all need fortitude or inner strength

  • The importance of a positive narratives and messages

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