Discussing end-of-life care


Resilience – End-of-life – Planning – Communication – Spirituality

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Dr Russell Thackeray talks to Dr Bob Uslander from Empowered Endings, an organisation that supports people through their end of life. Bob talks about his transition from emergency medicine to palliative care and hospice care, and his motivation to have deeper connections with patients and a desire to bridge the gaps in the healthcare system.

Bob also discusses end-of-life care, the role of hospices, and the need for improved communication and planning around end-of-life decisions. He emphasises the importance of spirituality and religion in end-of-life decisions, the need for planning, and the challenges faced when there are disagreements between patients and their families.

 Main topics

  • Why discomfort about end-of-life care, often leads to a reluctance to discuss it.

  • The importance of providing patients with options and dignity at the end of life.

  • The need for better support and planning for patients and their families during these times.

  • The role of spirituality and religion in end-of-life decisions, particularly in relation to medical aid in dying.

  • The importance of supporting families, providing therapy, counselling, and bereavement support.

  • The challenges faced when there are disagreements between patients and their families.

  • The need for open conversations about death to reduce the stigma associated with it.

  • The importance of having advocates who understand and can communicate one's wishes in challenging situations.

  • The psychological impact on loved ones when making end-of-life decisions and the importance of having a supportive community to navigate those decisions.

Action items

You can find out more at  https://empoweredendings.com/

   You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Integrating connections for well-being


Resilience – Writing – Memory Consolidation – Cogent Narrative – Self-reflection Identifying Emotions – Developing Connections – Mental Constructs and Patterns

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Dr Jacqueline Heller, MD shares her journey of writing a book following the grief from losing her mother. Jacqueline feels writing helped her consolidate memory and connect emotions to visual memory and in this podcast, she discusses the power of self-reflection through writing and emphasises the importance of identifying emotions for better judgment.

Main topics

  • The benefits of writing for memory consolidation and creating a cogent narrative.

  • How writing helps in self-reflection, identifying emotions, and developing connections to past experiences.

  • The importance of managing emotions to prevent outbursts.

  • How reflective writing helps in understanding automatic mental constructs and patterns.


1. Introduction. Introduction to the podcast and guest, Dr Jacqueline Heller, MD. 00.02 - 00:27.

2.The Power of Writing. The benefits of writing for memory consolidation and creating a coherent narrative. How writing became a cathartic and connecting process for Jacqueline. Writing as a tool for consolidating memory and connecting emotions to visual memory. 00.27 – 03.15

3. Reflective Communities and Parenting. Jacqueline's background in attachment theory and Reflective Communities. Bringing reflective parenting programs to schools. How Jacqueline's book is resonating with people and helping them 03.16 – 05.07

4. Self-Reflection and Introspection. Exploring the concept of introspecting and identifying emotions. The importance of identifying and understanding emotions for self-reflection. Connecting emotions and past experiences through writing. 05.08 – 08.28

5. The Process of Writing. The circular nature of self-examination and creating new connections through writing. Writing as a tool for developing new insights and connections over time. Managing emotions through writing and promoting higher cortical functions. 08.29 – 12.25

6. Personal Reflection and Journaling. Jacqueline's personal experience with mental journaling and reflection. The pressure to journal and the various forms of self-reflection beyond writing. 12.26 – 15.34

7. Writing Process and Book Creation. The organic process of writing Jacqueline's book. The importance of a well-being narrative and stability in one's self-story. Target audience and potential benefits of reading the book. 15.35 – 19.38

8. Book Overview. Jacqueline gives an overview of the book's content, including triggers, psychological principles, consciousness, and parenting. Chapters on defence mechanisms, cognitive distortions, and neuroscience of attachment. Example chapter "Dana's invisible trigger" and writing style. 19.39 – 25.37

9. Conclusion. Closing remarks and information on where to find Jacqueline's book and website. 25.38

Action items

   You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Journaling for self-awareness and growth


Resilience – Journaling – Leadership – Self-awareness - Growth

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Antonio Garrido, an expert in leadership transformation and Founder and President of My Daily Leadership, discusses the importance of journaling for self-awareness and personal growth. Antonio explains how he was led to journaling, how it helps develop emotional intelligence and resilience, and identify blind spots. He emphasises the need to be intentional and specific in writing down thoughts and beliefs, and how important it is in building self-awareness and gratitude. Antonio also provides practical steps for starting journaling, including affirmations, setting goals, and reflecting on progress.

Main topics

  • The importance of journaling and how to start it.

  • How journaling can enhance learning and personal development.

  • Prompts and exercises for journaling.

  • How journaling helps with self-awareness, resilience, emotional intelligence, etc.

  • Journaling to help in setting goals and affirmations, beliefs, and commitments.


1: Introductions - 00:02-00:18
2: Antonio's Background - Antonio shares a brief overview of his background, including his Spanish and Greek heritage, his experience working for large organisations, and his decision to become a coach - 00:50-02:34
3: The Conversation with the Group Chairman - Antonio recounts a conversation he had with the group chairman, where he was asked to write down the characteristics of a terrible boss. This conversation serves as a practical exercise - 12:09-15:38
4: The Importance of Journaling - Antonio discusses the significance of journaling and how it can enhance learning and personal development. He shares his own experience of journaling and explains different models that can be followed - 19:40-26:59
5: Setting Goals and Closing Gaps - Antonio emphasises the importance of setting goals and closing gaps. He suggests starting with affirmations, core values, and personal and business goals, and encourages the audience to write about them - 28:01-31:47
6: Commitments and Evaluation - Antonio introduces the concept of making daily commitments and evaluating progress. He explains the process of morning momentum and evening evaluation, encouraging the audience to give themselves a report card - 33:13-35:12
7: Resources and Conclusion - Antonio provides information about his book, website, and resources related to leadership and journaling. He expresses gratitude for the conversation and concludes the podcast - 36:31-37:26

Action items

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Supporting Employee Mental Health in a Remote Work Setting: HR Strategies for Well-being and Resilience by Bash Sarmiento

The shift toward remote operations has transformed not just where we work, but how we work. For many business leaders and remote team managers, this new normal brings a unique set of challenges, particularly in nurturing and supporting the mental health of our teams. As stewards of our teams' well-being, we must adopt HR strategies that not only address these challenges but also promote resilience and a sense of community among a remote workforce.

Unique Challenges of Remote Work

The transition to remote work introduces specific challenges that can impact the mental well-being of our teams. Recognising these challenges is the first step in creating a supportive environment tailored to the needs of remote employees.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

While the flexibility of remote work is a boon, it can also blur the lines between professional and personal life. This inevitably leads to stress and burnout. Encouraging a clear separation helps prevent negative experiences that stem from remote work. 

Leaders should advocate for regular work hours, emphasise the importance of taking breaks, and respect employees' personal time to foster a healthier work-life balance.

Combating Feelings of Isolation

Remote work can often lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection from colleagues. It's important to create opportunities for virtual social interaction and team bonding. This could include virtual coffee breaks, team-building activities, or simply encouraging informal chats among team members.

Ensuring Effective Communication

With the absence of face-to-face interaction, maintaining clear and open communication becomes a challenge. Implementing regular check-ins, using collaborative tools, and encouraging an open-door policy can help mitigate misunderstandings and ensure that team members feel heard and supported.

Addressing Technological Challenges

Remote work is heavily reliant on technology, which can lead to its own set of stressors, especially for those less tech-savvy. Providing ongoing tech support, training, and resources can alleviate these pressures, ensuring that all team members feel comfortable and capable in a digital work environment.

Acknowledging Diverse Home Environments

Each team member's home environment is unique, with varying degrees of conduciveness to productive work. Recognising and accommodating these differences - whether it be through flexible scheduling or providing stipends for home office setups - can greatly enhance employee comfort and productivity.

Implementing Effective Employee Engagement Strategies

Keeping remote teams engaged is vital for maintaining productivity and fostering a positive work environment. Engagement goes beyond work tasks; it's about creating a sense of belonging and connection among team members who may be spread across different locations.

Utilising Technology for Engagement

Leverage technology to keep your team connected and engaged. Tools that facilitate easy communication, project management, and collaboration can make remote work more efficient and enjoyable. Consider platforms that facilitate effective employee engagement to enhance your team's cohesiveness and productivity.

Fostering a Sense of Community

Building a strong team spirit in a remote setting requires intentional efforts to create a sense of community. Virtual team-building activities, celebrating team achievements, and encouraging non-work-related interactions can help bridge the physical distance. Regular virtual events, like team lunches or happy hours, can replicate the camaraderie of an in-office setting.

Recognising and Rewarding Contributions

Acknowledgment goes a long way in boosting morale and motivation. Make it a point to recognise individual and team achievements, no matter how small. Whether through shoutouts in team meetings, awards, or personalised notes, showing appreciation for hard work reinforces positive behaviour and fosters a culture of recognition.

Cultivating a Culture of Open Communication

Clear and consistent communication is the lifeline of remote work, playing a pivotal role in ensuring that team members feel connected, supported, and part of a cohesive unit.

Prioritising Transparent Communication

Transparency in communication helps in building trust and reducing anxieties that can arise from uncertainty. Regular updates about company news, project statuses, and team changes can help everyone feel informed and involved, mitigating feelings of being 'out of the loop.'

Implementing Regular Check-Ins

Regular one-on-one check-ins with team members provide a private space for open dialogue about work progress, challenges, and personal well-being. These sessions are crucial for understanding individual circumstances and offering support where needed.

Promoting Psychological Safety

Creating an environment where employees feel safe to express their thoughts, concerns, and ideas without fear of judgment is essential for mental health. Encourage an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding, where all voices are valued and considered.

Leadership Through Egoless Leadership

The approach of egoless leadership can significantly enhance communication dynamics within a team. Leaders who demonstrate humility, empathy, and a willingness to listen can foster a more open, supportive, and collaborative work environment.

Fostering a Security-Aware Remote Workforce

Security of workspaces and data is not just a technical issue but also a contributor to mental well-being. Ensuring that employees feel secure in their digital environment can alleviate stress and foster a sense of reliability and trust.

Establishing Robust Cybersecurity Measures

Implement strong cybersecurity protocols to protect sensitive company and employee data. This includes secure VPNs, regular updates of security software, and safe data storage solutions. Educating your team on cybersecurity best practices is also crucial in building a security-aware remote workforce.

Providing Technical Support and Training

Offer comprehensive technical support and training to help employees navigate any technical difficulties they may encounter. This reduces the frustration and anxiety associated with tech issues and ensures that team members can work efficiently and confidently.

Creating a Safe Digital Work Environment

A safe digital work environment extends beyond cybersecurity. It's about creating a space where employees feel comfortable and equipped to perform their best. This includes providing ergonomic advice for setting up home offices, ensuring they have the right tools and technology, and offering stipends for necessary equipment.

Regular Mental Health Check-Ins and Resources

Regular check-ins dedicated to discussing mental health and well-being can significantly impact an employee's sense of support and belonging. These conversations should be normalised and integrated into the regular workflow to remove any stigma associated with discussing mental health.

Providing Access to Mental Health Resources

Make mental health resources readily available to your team. This can include subscriptions to mental wellness apps, access to counselling services, or an employee assistance program (EAP) that offers confidential psychological support.

Encouraging Mindfulness and Stress-Relief Practices

Promote practices that can help reduce stress and increase mindfulness among your team. This could be through organising virtual meditation sessions, encouraging regular physical activity, or providing resources on stress management techniques.

Supporting Flexible Scheduling

Recognising that each employee may have different needs and circumstances, especially in a remote setting, offering flexible scheduling can greatly alleviate stress. This approach allows employees to work during hours when they feel most productive and balanced, contributing to better mental health.

Final Thoughts

Supporting the mental health of remote employees is vital for building a productive and positive work environment. By implementing thoughtful strategies and resources, leaders can ensure their teams feel supported and valued, fostering a culture of well-being and resilience in the remote workspace.

Bash Sarmiento is a writer and an educator from Manila. He writes laconic pieces in the education, lifestyle and health realms. His academic background and extensive experience in teaching, textbook evaluation, business management and traveling are translated in his works.

The power of intentionality


Resilience – Intentionality – Building Relationships – Mindset Shifts – Behaviour Shifts – Intentional Action

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled John Miles, a leading authority on intentional behaviour change and personal growth, discusses his career path and experiences in various industries. John emphasises the importance of being intentional and deliberate in building relationships and adapting to different organisational sizes and sectors. He also highlights the significance of passion, purpose, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and adaptability for future leaders.

 Main topics

  • Being intentional and setting life goals.

  • Why building relationships and emotional intelligence are important skills for success.

  • Adaptability in a changing world.

  • Intentionality in making deliberate choices and taking deliberate actions.

  • How different voices and perspectives can resonate with people in different ways.


1: Introduction to John Miles. 00:02-02:35
2: The Power of Intentionality. John explains the importance of being intentional in one's career and decision-making process. He discusses how commonalities exist in various business sectors and emphasizes the need to be intentional about personal and professional goals. 03:40-08:30
3: Building Brilliant Relationships. John explores the secret to building successful relationships, highlighting the importance of trust, communication, and perseverance. He mentions the need to develop core elements often overlooked in leadership and management textbooks. 10:01-13:34
4: Mindset Shifts for Success. John introduces six mindset shifts that can be applied to overcome challenges and achieve success. He emphasizes the significance of passion, perseverance, and deliberate action in developing a growth mindset. 14:22-16:45
5: Behaviour Shifts for Personal Growth. John discusses six behaviour shifts that can lead to personal growth and development. He shares stories and examples of individuals who have successfully implemented these shifts in their lives. 23:15-24:30
6: Taking Intentional Action. John explains his approach to taking intentional action and outlines a step-by-step process for readers to follow. He provides a quiz to help readers understand their starting points and offers additional resources, such as eBooks and templates, to support implementation. 24:58-27:06
7: Conclusion and Call to Action. 27:27-29:58

Action items

You can find out more about John at https://johnrmiles.com/ His podcast is Passion Struck with John R Miles

   You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Focus right now


Resilience – Hypergrowth – Focus - Customer Behaviour – Success – Building Brands – Brand Promise

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Jeffrey Hayzlett, a global business celebrity, speaker, best-selling author, and Chairman and CEO of C-Suite Network, talks about hypergrowth and the importance of capturing customer behaviour and input. He also talks about building brands particularly the importance of a brands promise and of delivering on that promises.

A recurring theme for Jeffrey is that of change, adapt or die and the importance of learning from previous change. He uses the downfall of companies like Kodak who forgot their true purpose and were too focused on past successes to illustrate this. Jeffrey feels it’s important to strive for success and to be persistent until success is achieved and highlights that times of crisis such as COVID-19 can present opportunities for growth for organisations with a defined strategy and investments.

Main topics

  • Why its important to capture customer behaviour and input.

  • How businesses can adapt and evolve to avoid becoming outdated like Kodak

  • The importance of striving for perfection

  • Finding opportunities in a crisis

  • Learning from past change


1: Introductions - 00:00-00:28
2: Jeffrey's background as a former Fortune 100 officer and TV personality. Jeffrey's current work with the C-Suite Network. Jeffrey's executive consulting work in hypergrowth - 02:26-04.12
3: Capturing Customer Behaviour. Jeffrey's approach to capturing customer behaviour. The importance of asking customers for input - 05:02-06:42
4: Lessons in Change. Jeffrey's recurring theme in his books of "change, adapt or die". The importance of learning from past changes - 14:14-16.22
5: Strategies for Success. The importance of striving for perfection. The importance of persistence and surviving until success is achieved - 17:54-18:57
6: Finding Opportunities in Crisis. The importance of thinking about strategy and investments during a crisis. Examples of companies that found opportunities during past crisis - 21:08-23.15
7: Conclusion. Jeffrey's final thought on focusing on the things that will lead to success. Closing remarks and goodbyes - 23:26-23.53

Action items

To find out more visit https://c-suitenetwork.com/ or  https://hayzlett.com/ Alternatively follow him on Twitter or LinkedIn

   You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Breaking free from addiction and crime


Resilience – Addiction – Transformation – Trauma – Positive Change - Connection

 In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Don Cummins, a transformational coach, speaker, and author, discusses his journey of overcoming addiction, rebuilding his life, and finding success in a professional career after serving a 20-year prison sentence for bank robbery.

Don shares his experiences of overcoming addiction and rebuilding his life and discusses how trauma and a desire to fit in led him down a destructive path of drug use and criminal behaviour. He emphasises the importance of self-acceptance, support, insight, and of recognising when you reach the bottom in making positive change and highlights the need to address underlying issues rather than solely focusing on addictive behaviours.

Main topics

  • Why hitting rock bottom can be the turning point in making positive change.

  • Why you need support, insight, and self-awareness to make progress.

  • The challenges of re-entering society and finding a job after prison

  • Why it’s difficult to relate trauma experiences with others who haven't been through it.

  • Finding understanding and connection with people who have shared similar struggles.

  • Finding true purpose and meaning


1: Introduction and Background - Overview of the podcast episode and introduction of the guest, Don Cummins. Don briefly shares his background and what he does as a coach - 00:05-01:41

2: From Trauma to Prison - Don discusses the traumatic experiences he went through as a youth and how it led him into a cycle of addiction and involvement with the criminal justice system. He shares that this ultimately resulted in him serving a 20-year prison sentence for bank robbery - 01:41-02:03

3: Rebuilding a Life - Don talks about his journey of recovery and the challenges he faced in rebuilding his life after being at the lowest point. He emphasises the importance of support, gaining insight, and discovering one's true purpose and meaning - 02:03-03:10

4: Unpacking the Downfall - Don Cummins reflects on the factors that contributed to his downfall, acknowledging that it is a complex process to unpack. He mentions the struggle of staying clean and employable, and the emotional challenges he faced - 03:10-05:02

5: Gaining Resilience - Discussion on the importance of support, gaining insight, and developing resilience to overcome difficult circumstances. Don shares his perspective on hitting rock bottom and how it can be a turning point for positive change - 05:22-07:05

6: Rebuilding Relationships - Don talks about his experience in rebuilding relationships and finding understanding and connection with others who have shared similar struggles. He shares how counselling and communication skills helped in improving his relationship with his partner - 07:28-09:25

7: Sharing the Journey Through Writing - Don discusses his motivation to write a memoir, "The Prison Within: A Memoir of Breaking Free," to share his story and help others who may be going through similar challenges. He talks about the impact of his book and his upcoming book, "Awaken, Connect, Transform: The Universal Path to Happiness and Success.” - 09:25-14:23

8: The Universal Path to Happiness and Success - Don explains the concept of the universal path to happiness and success, emphasizing the importance of connection and recognizing our interconnectedness. He invites listeners to explore his work and learn more about his books - 14:23-21:41

9: Conclusion and Call to Action - Final thoughts on the power of resilience and the potential for personal growth and transformation - 21:41-24:10

Action items

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   


Safe conversations for work and life


Resilience – Trauma – Mental Health – Fulfilment – Purpose – Self-awareness – Safe Conversations

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Bill Carson, a visionary leader in mental health, wellbeing, shares his personal experience of childhood trauma and how he overcame it through therapy and understanding brain chemistry. Bill emphasises the importance of taking care of our mental health by focusing on both psychological and physical well-being and also discusses the significance of finding a sense of purpose in life and serving others as part of building resilience. The conversation highlights the need for a holistic approach to mental health that includes addressing biological, psychological, social, and existential factors.

 Bill also discusses his experience as a volunteer crisis supporter and the fulfilment he receives from helping others. He emphasises the importance of not letting external factors overshadow one's own identity, relationships, and sense of connectedness and concept of finding purpose through the three levels of happiness: pleasure, passion, and purpose. He also touches on psychological safety in conversations at work and how it contributes to overall well-being.  

Main topics

  • The importance of managing automatic negative thoughts (ANTs).

  • The process of negating harm from a childhood incident.

  • Cognitive repair and the importance of positive thinking.

  • The importance of purpose and learning to learn.

  • The importance of self-awareness and identifying suitable resources.

  • How safe conversations can still be robust and professional.

  • The importance of creating a safe and healthy culture for conversations


1: Introductions. 00:02 - 01:08

2: Impact of Childhood Trauma. Bill discusses the challenges of childhood trauma and how it can affect people's lives, often without their conscious memory of the original incident. He emphasises the importance of learning to manage and change perceptions of trauma. 01.08 - 04:23

3: Overcoming Childhood Trauma. Bill shares his personal experience of dealing with childhood trauma and how he discovered helpful approaches. 04:29 - 06:46

4: Finding Purpose. Bill explores the concept of finding purpose in life and how it relates to resilience. He highlights the importance of having a sense of belonging to a higher purpose and aligning personal actions with that purpose. 06:47 - 14:23

5: Discovering Personal Purpose. Bill discusses the process of uncovering one's purpose and offers an example of building a cathedral as a metaphor for finding purpose through meaningful work. 14:24 - 19:03

6: Psychological Safety and Safe Conversations. Russell raises the topic of psychological safety and safe conversations in the workplace and asks the guest, Bill, to share his insights. Bill explains the importance of creating a safe environment for open and honest conversations to support individual growth and performance. 19.04-25:03

7: Safe Conversations Skills for Managers. Bill introduces his book, "Safe Conversations for Work and Life," which focuses on developing safe conversation skills for managers to foster a culture of psychological safety in the workplace. He explains the process of helping team members become self-aware and identify suitable resources for support. 25.04 – 27.46

8: Emotional Fitness and Resilience. Russell briefly mentions a model of resilience and emotional fitness on Bill's website. They express interest in exploring this topic in more detail and provide information on how listeners can access the resources and contact Bill. 27:47 - 29:24

9: Conclusion: The host thanks Bill for the conversation and provides information on where listeners can find more about Bill's work and his book. 29:35 - 29:50

Action items

You can find out more about Bill at https://inspirelearning.au/skills-for-leaders-managers/

His book is Safe Conversations for Work and Life.

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Being open to the moment


Resilience – Enlightenment – Receptivity – Spiritual Awakening

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Rachael Jayne Groover, a spiritual teacher and founder of the Awakened School, discusses her journey from being a full-time singer to becoming a personal coach. She talks about her interest in why certain people have magnetic presence and effortless leadership and explains that spirituality is about receptivity to the moment and becoming more open to something greater than your individual self.

Rachael Jayne discusses the benefits of spiritual awakening and receptivity, which can lead to more effortless manifestation and a sense of peace without resistance. Through working on energy fields, mindsets, and physical relaxation techniques, Rachael Jayne helps others sustain enlightenment moments or experiences that can positively impact all areas of life. She emphasises however that it's not just doing what you love; having a strategy and taking action are also critical factors for success.

Main topics

  • The process of enlightenment.

  • Being open to the moment

  • Achieving spiritual awakening

  • The benefits of receptivity


1: Introduction. The host welcomes listeners to the podcast and introduces the guest, Rachael Jayne Groover - 00:02-00:45

2: Background. Rachael Jayne talks about her background, how she became interested in personal development work, and how she started her coaching business - 01:03-05:11

3: The Awakened School. Rachael Jayne describes the Awakened School, what it offers to its members, and how it can help people achieve spiritual awakening - 05:36-11.03

4: Enlightenment and Personal Growth. Rachael Jayne talks about her personal spiritual journey, the process of enlightenment, and how it can benefit an individual's personal growth - 11:04-21:03

5: Resources and Next Steps. Rachel shares how listeners can learn more about her and the Awakened School, and offers a final message to the audience. - 21:10-23:36

Action items

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Q & A Session - January 2924


Resilience – Toxic Resilience – Burnout – Leadership Styles - Adaptability

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Dr Russell Thackeray answers some resilience-based questions that have been put to him recently by listeners. This is the first podcast Dr Thackeray has done in this format and he covers a range of subjects including toxic resilience and how it relates to leadership, how toxic resilience can lead to burnout, different styles of leadership and the relationship between adaptability and resilience.

Main topics

  • What toxic resilience is and its connection to toxic leadership.

  • Why toxic resilience is the result of leaders expecting constant strength and performance from their employees without considering their well-being.

  • How toxic resilience can lead to burnout and a loss of energy needed for the job.

  • The importance of adapting leadership style to fit individual needs and situations

  • Why effective leadership is adaptable and driven by the task requirements, available resources, time constraints, and risk levels.

  • The difference between resilience and adaptability and why adaptability is a subset of resilience.


1. Introductions - 00:02-00 - 00:46

2. Question 1. Is there such a thing as toxic resilience? -  01:11-04:39

3. Question 2. What would Dr Thackeray’s preferred style of leadership be? - 05:48-09:11

4. Question 3. Is there a link between adaptability and resilience? - 12:02-13:47

5. Predictions and Expectations for 2024 - 13:58-18:40

6. Conclusion and Invitation for more Questions - 18:41-18:54

Action items

  • If you have any questions for future Q&A sessions, please send them to info@qedod.com

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Individualism and influence


Resilience - Individualism - Influence - Leadership - Accountability

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Brian Smith, the founder and senior managing partner of IA Business Advisors, a management consulting firm that has worked with more than 19,000 CEOs, entrepreneurs, managers, and employees worldwide. In this podcast Brian discusses the importance of understanding people in leadership, the role of  accountability in promoting positive learning, the multidimensional influence individuals can have and how their non-participation can affect others.

Main topics

  • Approaching leadership development in small and medium-sized organisations

  • How individualism can mean different things depending on the area of influence

  • Understanding and harnessing our influence in a positive way

  • Why accountability is important for setting expectations and promoting positive learning.


1: Introductions and Background - 00:00-01:39

2: Leadership and Accountability - 02:08-11.40

3: Diagnosing Business Problems - 11:41-14:57

4: Individualism and Influence - 15:00-20:12

5: Conclusions - 20:50-22:51

Action items

Find out more at IABusinessAdvisors.com/the-i-in-team-series/or check out their social media accounts under “I” in Team series handle.

Their latest book is, Positive Influence – Be the “I” in Team which shares how to become our best selves with everyone we influence.

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Gaining strength through adversity


Resilience – Trauma Surgery – Spiritual Beliefs – Hope – Inspiration - Motivation

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Craig Thayer, a general surgeon of over 30 years, talks about his experiences in the field and how he got into surgery. He discusses the challenges and rewards of being a surgeon, particularly trauma surgery and touches on advancements in medicine, such as monoclonal antibodies for melanoma treatment. He also shares his belief in evidence-based science while also acknowledging the potential for spiritual beliefs to provide hope.

Craig also talks about his experiences growing up as an orphan and later reconnecting with his natural family and opens up about his struggles with dyslexia.

 Main topics

  • What inspired Craig to become a surgeon?

  • How does Craig deal with the stress of being a surgeon?

  • Craig’s thoughts on spiritual beliefs and their impact on health


1. Introductions - (00:00 - 01:09)
2: Writing a book to inspire, motivate, and give hope in today's society - (01:09 - 02:16)
3: The emotional toll of surgery and the impact it can have on a surgeon - (02:27 - 05:38)
4: The different responsibilities of a surgeon - (05:38 - 08:33)
5: Changes in Medicine - (11:22 - 13:10)
6: The philosophical questions in science and the limitations of science -  (15:55 - 16:28)
7: Craig talks about his book and the inspiration behind it - (17:30 - 22:22)

Action items

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Renee Joyal – Living beautifully


Resilience - Wellness – Lifestyle Change – Self-healing

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Renee Joyal, a newly published author and wellness enthusiast shares her personal journey with lupus and how she made lifestyle changes to overcome it. She emphasises the importance of nutrition, exercise, and self-healing practices in maintaining good health and also talks about having a holistic approach to health instead of restrictive diets.

Renee discusses her approach to wellness, emphasising the importance of focusing on both physical and mental health and shares techniques for strengthening the mind, such as journaling and meditation, which can help in handling life's challenges.

Main topics

  • Making specific lifestyle changes to overcome autoimmune disease.

  • The functional medicine practices Renee implemented in her life.

  • How being in an abusive relationship affected Renee’s health and autoimmune disease.


1: Introduction. The host welcomes the audience and introduces the guest, Renee, who is a newly published author and wellness enthusiast. Renee talks about her passion for helping people expand their health journey - 00:02-01:03
2: Overcoming Life's Obstacles. Renee discusses how to overcome life's obstacles, live healthily, feel good, and enrich your life to live it to the fullest. 02:12-02:29
3: Renee's Health Journey. Renee shares her personal health journey, including her debilitating illness, Lupus diagnosis, and how she made lifestyle changes to improve her health - 02:29-07:31
4: Focusing on Healing. Renee talks about her focus on healing and what she added to her life to make it better and live fully without restriction - 09:16-11:32
5: Strengthening the Mind. Renee discusses the importance of strengthening the mind and shares techniques such as journaling, meditative experiences, and empowering mind techniques - 11:32-17:56
6: Live Beautiful Book. Renee talks about her book, Live Beautiful, a compassionate balance guide to everyday wellness and well-being. She shares where to find it and discusses the rewarding process of writing and connecting with the community - 17:57-20:43

Action items 

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Thinking differently about disruption.


Resilience - Change - Transitions - Disruption - Changing Narratives

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Linda Rossetti, a business leader and pioneering researcher on individuals’ experience at the crossroads of their lives discusses her work in helping people respond to disruptions in their lives. Linda emphasises the importance of thinking differently and responding with hope and expansion and explains the differences between changes and transitions. She also highlights the emotional response that accompanies change and disruption, acknowledging its significance alongside practical considerations and touches on the limitations of traditional change management approaches before suggesting a new narrative around disruption and transformation.

Main topics

  • The power of changing narratives and shifting from a chronological narrative to a value-based narrative.

  • Why educating people about the options and new perspectives during times of disruption can be enlightening.

  • The importance of anchoring on things that hold meaning or value in times of transformation.

  • Why we need to ask new questions and explore different narratives to move forward.

  • The different levels of response to change.

  • Focusing on the practical and emotional aspects of transformation.

  • Why people should see disruption as an opportunity to engage more of themselves and amplify their voices.

  • Why there is a need to change the way society responds to disruption.


1: Welcome and introduction - 00:02 - 00:19
2: Traditional ways of responding to disruption - 02:06 - 06:51
3: The power of transformation - 08:03 - 10:03
4: Changing the narrative - 12:16 - 14:09
5: Leadership and change - 15:18 - 19:58
6: Empowering individuals to respond - 21:47 - 24:38
7: Addressing values and the book "Dancing with Disruption" - 26:39 - 28:48
8: Conclusion and contact information - 29:59 - 30:26

Action items

You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

The increase in unpaid overtime

New research from Ciphr has shown that some UK employees are clocking up three hours of unpaid overtime per week with 11% of those surveyed putting in an additional five hours a week.

The survey, of 1,000 employees, showed that there are more employees who work unpaid overtime (49%) than those who do receive payment (23%). Employees most likely to work the unpaid extra hours include senior managers, 25-34-year-olds remote workers and those working in legal services and education.

Employees can work unpaid overtime for a variety of reasons. It might be an industry or work culture norm, a dedication to their work, a desire for achievement or to achieve their personal goals, in understaffed or resource-constrained environments, they might work unpaid overtime to cover gaps, ensure essential tasks are completed or because of pressure from managers and colleagues. Alternatively, there may be a fear of falling behind through heavy workloads and tight deadlines or of being seen as less dedicated particularly if job security is low.

Employees might also work unpaid overtime to ensure that a project is completed successfully on time or because they don’t have a clear understanding of their job responsibilities or how long tasks should take whilst some employees resort to working unpaid overtime to catch up on tasks they couldn't complete during regular working hours, something that can be particularly noticeable if people are hybrid or home working.

Although employees might need to put in extra hours to meet business needs, (and be happy to do so), It's important that both employees and employers understand the negative consequences of unpaid overtime. The aim should be to create a workplace culture that values the work-life balance, fair compensation, and sustainable workloads. Employers should communicate clear expectations, manage workloads effectively, and discourage a culture of overwork whilst employees should prioritise their well-being and consider the long-term impact of consistently working unpaid overtime.

Navigating an organisational pivot

Keywords - Resilience - Organisational Pivots - Change - Personal Growth

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Jason Shen, an executive coach with a focus on resilience and reinvention who is renowned for guiding entrepreneurs through crucial transitions.  A former national champion gymnast Jason faced multiple setbacks including layoffs, lawsuits, company failure, and traumatic knee injuries, so he understands what it takes to adapt and overcome adversity!

Jason talks about the importance of continuous learning and personal growth and talks about his background in the commercial world, including working in marketing roles and starting companies. The conversation focuses on organisational pivots and the importance of making changes earlier rather than later and Jason emphasises the need for leaders to adapt their leadership approach during these transitions. They also touch upon personal resilience and how taking care of physical and creative/emotional needs is essential. Cultural considerations are mentioned, such as differences between men and women's expressions of emotions or vulnerability based on Eastern/Western philosophies.

Main topics

  • The concept and process of organisational pivots

  • The impact of founders in organisational pivots

  • The relationship between resilience and pivots.

  • Cultural considerations in coaching

  • Exploring different coaching approaches


1: Introduction and Background - 00:02-00:44
2: Understanding Organisational Pivots- 02:17-04:06
3: Navigating Organisational Pivots - 04:06-06:23
4: Developing Leadership Capacity during Pivots - 07:21-07:30, 07:55-08:59
5: Cultural Considerations in Pivots - 09:46-12:07
6: The Cycle of Learning and Support - 14:46-16:02
7: Overcoming the Fear of Not Knowing - 16:35-17:32
8: The Role of Coaching in Organisational Change - 20:37-22:19
9: The Path to Pivot Book - 22:19-23:41

Action items

Jason’s book is called "The Path to Pivot," or find out more at jasonshen.com

You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Navigating workplace bias


Resilience – Bias – Navigating Bias – Unconscious Bias – Workplace Bias

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Dr Russell Thackeray talks to Buki Mosaku, one of the world’s foremost bias-navigation experts. Buki is the founder and CEO of Diverse City Think Tank, a workplace bias and diversity-and-inclusion consultancy.

In this podcast Buki discusses the impact of bias in the workplace and suggests a new approach to addressing it by equipping individuals with the skills to navigate bias, rather than labelling certain groups as victims or perpetrators. He talks about the concept of directional bias (bias towards certain groups) and reverse bias (misinterpreting unfavourable decisions as biased) and emphasises the importance of calling out bias and engaging in dispassionate developmental inquiry to address it effectively.

Main topics

  • What unconscious bias is

  • Why individuals and organisations need to be aware of unconscious bias in order to address it effectively.

  • Why the traditional model for addressing workplace bias focuses fails to equip individuals with skills to navigate bias themselves.

  • Creating an awareness and culture profile within organizations that promotes a bias-free environment.


1: Introductions - 00:02 - 04.57

2: Examples of Workplace Bias - 4.58 - 10:26

3: Navigating Workplace Bias - 10.27 - 21:21

4: The Power of "I Don't Understand" - 21.22 -

5: Navigating Bias Strategies – 21.23 - 31:58

6. Concluding remarks

Action items

You can find out more about Buki at www.bukimosaku.com His book is Navigating Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Self-awareness. The number one leadership skill?


Resilience – Leadership – Self-awareness – Engagement – Emotional Intelligence – Bad Bosses

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Rob Kalwarowsky, a TEDx speaker and the co-host of the Leadership Launchpad Project, discusses his experience with bad bosses and the impact it had on his mental health. Rob shares how he overcame depression and launched a career in leadership coaching.

Before transitioning into leadership coaching and speaking, Rob spent over 10 years as an engineer within mining, oil pipelines, and consulting in heavy industry. He was also a 3-time Academic All-American in NCAA Water Polo and played on the U18 Canadian National Water Polo team.  Now he uses a combination of high-performance coaching, technology, and analytics to build winning teams and help leaders achieve their goals. 

Main topics

  • The negative effects of toxic bosses on company performance and employee well-being

  • The qualities a manager needs to build engagement

  • Employee engagement as a measure of good leadership

  • How work can provide meaning and purpose

  • Mindset, self-awareness, and the importance of self-management

  • Internal and external awareness

  • The need for emotional intelligence in leadership

  • Resources for dealing with bad bosses

  • Internal family systems and how it breaks down the internal world into parts or masks.


1: Introductions - 00:02 - 02:29
2: The Importance of Deep Work - 02.30 - 05:19
3: Self-Awareness as the Key Leadership Skill - 05.20 - 07:22
4: The Link Between Leadership and Engagement - 7.23 - 09:10
5: The Role of Managers in Building Engagement - 09.11 - 12:51
6: Leveraging Strengths and Purpose in Leadership - 12.53 - 18:01
7: Emotional Intelligence and Relational Intelligence - 18.02 - 23.02
8: Conclusion and Further Resources - 23.03 - 26.43

Action items

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Using anger for positive change


Resilience – Anger – Change – Abuse – Personal Growth – Speaking Up

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Alyse Maslonik shares her inspiring story of overcoming poverty and domestic abuse to become a successful advisor. Despite facing numerous hardships in her life, Alyse maintains a positive perspective by focusing on the good people and communities around her. She discusses the importance of resilience, how anger can be transformed into a tool for growth, how past experiences shape us as people, and how women are often discouraged from expressing anger. She shares her personal experience with abuse and how she had to transform her anger into something positive.

Alyse also highlights the need for funding social programs to prevent future problems and save lives and touches on the societal pressures that prevent women from speaking up for their rights and changing the status quo. The mission of her organisation RedefinED Advisors is to redefine education in the United States, particularly for underprivileged students. The organisation raises funding for public school students who are failing due to lack of resources and provides scholarships for those experiencing financial hardships or trauma.

Main topics

  • The idea of resilience and how it can be learned.

  • How anger can be used as a tool for good.

  • The importance of learning from past experiences.

  • RedefinED Advisors, and their work in the education sector.

  • The need for action and creating actionable items to create change.

  • Why women are discouraged from expressing anger


1: Introductions Russell introduces Alyse Maslonik. They briefly discuss Elise's upcoming appearance on the news and her recent achievement. Elise talks about her background and starting her life in a domestic abuse shelter. - 00:00 to 01:50

2:  Resilience and Overcoming Adversity. Russell and Alyse discuss the importance of resilience. They talk about how people can rise above difficult backgrounds and use their past experiences to propel themselves forward. Elise shares her own story of going through a criminal trial after experiencing abuse. They discuss the idea that people should not be ashamed of their anger. - 04:46 to 13:49

3: Redefining Education and Scholarships. Alyse talks about her organisation, RedefinED Advisors, and their mission to provide scholarship funding for underprivileged students. Russell and Alyse Elise discuss the importance of education and scholarships. They briefly touch on Elise's upcoming book. - 25:08 to 29:46

4: Taking Action and Creating Change. Russell and Alyse discuss the need for action to create change. - 31:07 to 32:39

Action items

You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Make anxiety your friend


Resilience – Anxiety – Mental Health – Emotions – Anxiety Toolkit

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Dr David Rosmarin, the founder of the Centre for Anxiety (New York, Boston, Princeton), associate professor at Harvard Medical School and Director of the McLean Hospital Spirituality and Mental Health Programme talks about anxiety and how to make it your friend. Often, people who suffer from anxiety either exhaust themselves trying to cure it or resign themselves to a lifetime of fear and worry but Dr Rosmarin suggests that instead of fighting their anxiety, people can turn it into a strength. 

Dr Rosmarin defines anxiety as a response similar to fear but triggered by uncertain or future events rather than immediate danger. He emphasises that anxiety can be a normal and potentially positive emotion if managed correctly, challenging the notion that it is always negative or pathological.  He also discusses exposure therapy as a technique to deal with anxiety and how leaning into anxiety can be liberating.

 Main topics

  • Tools for managing anxiety.

  • The importance of spirituality in mental health and how it often gets ignored in psychiatric treatment.

  • The concept of increasing tolerance of uncertainty as a way to cope with anxiety.

  • The role of community and social connections in managing anxiety and improving mental health.

  • How exposure therapy can be used to manage anxiety.

 Action items

Find out more about Dr Rosmarin at https://dhrosmarin.com/
His book Thriving with Anxiety: 9 Tools to Make Your Anxiety Work for You is published in October 2023.
Connect with Dr. Rosmarin on LinkedIn for further engagement and updates.

    You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.