Thinking differently about disruption.


Resilience - Change - Transitions - Disruption - Changing Narratives

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Linda Rossetti, a business leader and pioneering researcher on individuals’ experience at the crossroads of their lives discusses her work in helping people respond to disruptions in their lives. Linda emphasises the importance of thinking differently and responding with hope and expansion and explains the differences between changes and transitions. She also highlights the emotional response that accompanies change and disruption, acknowledging its significance alongside practical considerations and touches on the limitations of traditional change management approaches before suggesting a new narrative around disruption and transformation.

Main topics

  • The power of changing narratives and shifting from a chronological narrative to a value-based narrative.

  • Why educating people about the options and new perspectives during times of disruption can be enlightening.

  • The importance of anchoring on things that hold meaning or value in times of transformation.

  • Why we need to ask new questions and explore different narratives to move forward.

  • The different levels of response to change.

  • Focusing on the practical and emotional aspects of transformation.

  • Why people should see disruption as an opportunity to engage more of themselves and amplify their voices.

  • Why there is a need to change the way society responds to disruption.


1: Welcome and introduction - 00:02 - 00:19
2: Traditional ways of responding to disruption - 02:06 - 06:51
3: The power of transformation - 08:03 - 10:03
4: Changing the narrative - 12:16 - 14:09
5: Leadership and change - 15:18 - 19:58
6: Empowering individuals to respond - 21:47 - 24:38
7: Addressing values and the book "Dancing with Disruption" - 26:39 - 28:48
8: Conclusion and contact information - 29:59 - 30:26

Action items

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