Resilience, vision and innovation


Resilience – Vision – Innovation – Sudan – Digital Economy – Social Enterprise

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Aziz Musa, a transformative leader in the digital marketing realm, talks about his story which led him from Blackpool, to Dubai, Sudan and finally Egypt.

As the youngest public company CEO in the UK, Aziz had already made significant strides in the corporate world. However, in 2017 against a backdrop of political unrest and war, he founded Cush.Digital with the vision of building both a social enterprise and the digital economy in Sudan, 

In this podcast Aziz shares his experience of living through a civil war in Sudan and of having to relocate to Egypt. The process of leaving Sudan during the war was difficult and he discusses how he approached some of the decisions he had to make for his family and employees. This includes evacuating people from a war zone, going through military checkpoints, crossing the border, providing employment and support for families.  He also shares some of the background to his business life and talks about growing a digital agency through client satisfaction and how his company trained over 4,000 people in Sudan in digital marketing, on a pro bono basis.

Main topics

  • The importance of making deliberate decisions and having a higher purpose when facing adversity.

  • Planning ahead and being proactive in managing anxiety and building resilience.

  • Creating a social enterprise alongside a business

  • The 10th Man Experiment

  • Why we need backup plans and to be prepared for changing scenarios.

  • The importance of having a plan to manage anxiety and build resilience.

  • The process of using logic and expertise to determine the real threats.


1: Introductions (00:02-01:41
2: Aziz's Background and Work (01:41-04:01)
3: Aziz's Experience of War (04:47-09:00)
4: Escape from Sudan (09:18-14:37)
5: Building Resilience and Managing Anxiety (14:37-19:17)
6: Planning for Unlikely Scenarios (19:52-23:15)
7: Aziz's Work and Contact Information (23:58-27:33)

Action items

   You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Happiness or satisfaction?


Resilience – Satisfaction – Happiness – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – Beyond Happiness

 Dr Jennifer Guttman received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Long Island University and began her career working at a family homeless shelter in New York. When she found that traditional protocols made it difficult for people to access her services, she fought to ensure that every resident could meet with her as often as they needed, working day and night to fulfil requests for services.  

Motivated by a desire to reach even more people, she started lecturing and opened a private practice where her approach fuses traditional cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques with her own core methods, which have been developed over thirty-plus years of personal interaction with her clients. The combination of these innovative methods and her unparalleled empathic abilities has enabled her to have a profound impact on thousands of patients from diverse walks of life.

Jennifer has just published a book called "Beyond Happiness: The Six Secrets of Lifetime Satisfaction." In it she differentiates between happiness and satisfaction, stating that happiness is fleeting and dependent on external factors, while satisfaction is within one's control and achievable through certain techniques. She believes that resilience can be found within satisfaction as it includes confidence, self-reliance, and self-respect and that happiness can be a choice to some extent.

Main topics

  • The concept of resilience

  • Why we should aim for long-term life satisfaction rather than constant happiness.

  • The importance of not making assumptions and waiting for concrete evidence before acting.

  • Differences in communication styles between genders

  • The impact of people-pleasing behaviours on relationships.

  • Facing fears as a means of personal growth and building confidence.

  • The six techniques for sustainable life satisfaction


1.  Introductions: 00:02 - 00:51
2. Background and Expertise: 00.52 - 03:25
3. Agreement and Challenging Questions: 03.26 - 04:28
4. Moving Beyond Happiness to Satisfaction: 04.29 - 07:28
5. Defining Sustainable Life Satisfaction: 07.29 - 12:51
6. Exploring the Six Factors of Satisfaction: 2.52 - 14:14
7. Communication and Persuasion: 14.15 - 17:19
8. Communication Styles and Preferences: 17.20 – 20.56
9.  Overcoming Avoidance and Focusing: 20.57 -22:31
10. The Birth and Genesis of the Book: 22.32 - 25:16
11.Conclusion and Book Availability: 25.16 - 28:13 

Action items

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Defeating SAD


Resilience – SAD – Light Therapy – Brain Science – Circadian Rhythms – Vagus Nerve – Transcendental Meditation

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Norman Rosenthal, a psychiatrist and writer discusses his background in psychiatry research and writing. Norman talks about how his career has emerged from various opportunities and interests in science, art, and literature. He explains his involvement in the discovery of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and the role of light therapy in treating it. He also touches on the challenges of conducting reliable research in brain science and the potential benefits of light therapy for other psychiatric conditions. Additionally, he discusses the importance of using proper lightboxes for therapy and mentions jet lag as another condition possibly influenced by circadian rhythms or light exposure.

Main topics

  • The importance of light in regulating circadian rhythms and its effects on mood.

  • How transcendental meditation can help with winter depression

  • The role of the vagus nerve in relaxation

  • The therapeutic power of poetry.

  • The need for multiple approaches to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

  • The benefits of using different techniques such as light therapy, exercise, cognitive interventions, socialisation, and meditation to treat SAD


1: Introduction and Background -: Introduction to the guest. 00:02-02.37
2: The Convergence of Science, Art, and Literature - 02:57-04:47
3: Reproducibility in Research - 07:55- 09:03
4: Seasonal Rhythms and Bright Light Therapy -10:22-11:31
5: Transcendental Meditation (TM) - 15:08 - 18:43
6: Multiple Approaches to Well-being - 19:59-20:54
7: The Power of Poetry - 21:26-24:44
8: Research Challenges and Instincts - 25:21-26:31
9: Audience Interaction and Book Recommendations - 27:22-28:39

Action items

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Mindfulness for organisations


Resilience – Mindfulness – Performance – Leadership – Workplace Culture - Stress

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Andrew MacNeill, a leadership consultant who helps individuals and teams thrive under pressure, discusses how mindfulness can be used as a tool to improve both well-being and performance in high-pressure environments.  Andrew spent 20 years in senior leadership and throughout his career led large teams in high pressure environments. He is also an accredited mindfulness teacher and brought these two worlds together in his book Organisational Mindfulness - a How-to Guide in 2019.

By integrating his leadership experience and insights from being a mindfulness teacher Andrew has developed a method to help leaders and their teams embed and implement techniques which improve performance, build psychological safety and support their own and their collective wellbeing. 

In this podcast Andrew shares his personal experience of discovering mindfulness while in a high-pressure leadership role and how it helped him cope with stress. He also explains that mindfulness is about non-judgmental present moment awareness and choosing where we place our attention intentionally.  

Main topics

  • The implementation of mindfulness in organisations, particularly in meetings.

  • The importance of noticing one's own biases and reactions, choosing to respond rather than react, and being present for effective decision-making.

  • The need for cultural change towards mindful practices but acknowledging that it should be done thoughtfully as some people may not want to participate.


1: Introduction - Russell welcomes the guest, Andrew, and introduces the podcast. 00:00-00:23
2: Andrew's Work - Andrew explains that he is a leadership consultant who helps individuals and teams thrive under pressure. 00:56-02:03
3: Mindfulness - Andrew discusses how he discovered mindfulness and how it can be applied in a work context. He provides a practical example of how to practice mindfulness, and explains that it is a life-long practice. 02:05-08:28
4: Organsational Mindfulness - Andrew speaks about his book, "Organisational Mindfulness," which explains how mindfulness can be applied in a work setting. He discusses how mindfulness can help organisations support their people and deliver objectives. Andrew also explains how to implement cultural change and build skills to navigate high-stress environments.  08:51-15:24
5: Mindful Meetings - Andrew provides an example of how a program board meeting can be a practice in shared mindfulness. He explains how mindfulness can help people choose to respond rather than react in difficult meetings. 15:35-19:41
6: Conclusion - Russell and Andrew wrap up the podcast and provide information on where to find Andrew's book and services.  19:41-25:05

Action items

  • Find out more about Andrew's book Organisational Mindfulness.

  • Find out more about Andrew at

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Still Positive. From an HIV diagnosis to building affordable healthcare  projects.


Resilience – HIV – Grief – Loss – Caregiving – Affordable Healthcare – 30/30 Project

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Julie Lewis, a 38-­year HIV survivor, and mother to Grammy Award winning musician, Ryan Lewis, talks about how she was infected with HIV in 1984 following a blood transfusion. She was not diagnosed thorough until the early 1990s when she was given three to five years to live. After years of silence about her disease, she found an unlikely community of friends to fight alongside and began using her story to make a difference. Her experiences as a woman living with HIV offers insights about grief and loss, caregiving, spirituality, and the importance of community.

More than 38 years later and she is living life to its fullest and her priority is to make quality affordable healthcare available to those in underserved communities. Through the non-profits she founded the, 30/30 Project and has raised funds to build 30 health facilities in 9 different countries including Africa, India, South America and the US for those who need it most can access quality affordable healthcare.

Main topics

  • How one phone call can change the track of your life

  • Navigating an HIV diagnosis

  • Preparing your family for your death

  • The importance of having a foundation for the future

  • Building the 30/30 Project


1.     Introductions – 00.00 – 01.54
2.     Getting an HIV diagnosis – 01.53 – 02.30
3.     The 30/30 Project – 02.31 – 04.46
4.     Navigating an HIV diagnosis – 05.17 – 10.53
5.     Building a foundation for the future – 10.54 – 14.52
6.     The motivation for the 30/30 Project – 14.53 – 20.56
7.     Information about Julie’s book and contact information – 20.57 – 25.04

Action items

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Navigating Leadership and Finance: Smart Budgeting Strategies for Success by Katie Pierce

Leadership often occupies the limelight, but there's an unsung hero in the room—finance. Yes, while charismatic leaders receive applause, smart financial management hums quietly in the background, keeping the gears of the business turning smoothly. 

Through success or failure, understanding finances will help you navigate the rocky seas of business. In this article, we’ll break down the importance of finance, the pitfalls many leaders face, and how to overcome them. 

What is the importance of finance for business leaders?

The criticality of finance transcends industry sectors. Whether you manage a tech start-up or a local bakery, the rules are the same. Understanding your balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow gives you a dashboard view of your business health. Money talks, and when it speaks, leaders listen. It informs you when to expand your team, scale your product, or maybe pull the brakes on an aggressive marketing campaign.

In essence, financial mastery equips leaders with foresight. You forecast trends and navigate challenges before they escalate into crises. Furthermore, investors and stakeholders have an affinity for companies with sound financial management. It builds credibility and attracts investment, so make it a priority.

Do You Need Advisors?

Advisors can bridge the gap between financial literacy and strategic application. Unless you're a finance wizard who moonlights as a CEO, chances are you'll need some guidance. Advisors handle complex taxation, help with asset management, and even manage risk. They bring expertise that extends beyond crunching numbers.

However, advisors come at a price. Make sure your business genuinely requires this level of expertise before investing in an advisory team. Sometimes, a robust finance software package and a talented in-house team will suffice. But if you decide to seek outside counsel, choose advisors who understand your industry, your scale, and your growth aspirations.

Common Pitfalls

Now let's talk about the dark alleyways of financial management—the pitfalls you want to avoid. 

Avoid poor cashflow management.
First on the list is poor cash flow management. Without adequate cash, you'll find it difficult to cover basic expenses. It's like trying to run a car without fuel; it simply won't work.  Keep personal and business accounts separate to make bookkeeping straightforward.

Keep your invoices in order.
Don't overlook the significance of unpaid invoices either. They look harmless but can rapidly escalate into a financial bottleneck. Have a systematic invoicing process and make sure to follow up on unpaid dues aggressively. Invoices are evidence of expenses within your company and are crucial for knowing how well your financial plans will go. 

Ignoring the state of finances
Ignoring financial metrics is another misstep. Net profit, gross margin, and customer lifetime value are not just fancy terms. They're vital indicators of your business health. Keep an eye on these metrics and adjust your strategies accordingly. Finances are quite literally how you’ll stay afloat, so it’s important to take it seriously.

Best Strategies

Solid strategies act as the scaffolding for your financial architecture. Let's delve into some proven methods. 

Zero-Based Budgeting
Start each budgeting period with a clean slate and consider every cost anew. Effective budgeting will start with identifying your assets and liabilities, and it’s much easier when there’s nothing from last year to distract you. This approach instils a culture of cost-consciousness throughout your organization. Rolling Forecasts

Ditch the static yearly budgets.
Markets are dynamic, and your budgeting should be as well. Adopt a rolling forecast method, wherein you constantly update your budget based on real-time data. This keeps you agile and prepared for market fluctuations. This pairs really well with zero-based budgeting strategies because there’s never the expectation of the budget getting more complex over the long term. After all, it’s resetting every year.

KPIs and Benchmarks
Utilize Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure your financial performance. Identify industry benchmarks and strive to meet or exceed them. This not only gauges where you stand but also directs your strategies effectively. With rolling forecasts, it’s even more important to know these benchmarks for better planning. 

Strategic Outsourcing
Consider outsourcing non-core functions like bookkeeping, payroll, or even customer service. This saves costs and allows you to focus on your core competencies. Alternatively, implement automated finance solutions to streamline your processes. Automation minimizes manual errors, reduces the burden on your team, and most importantly, enables real-time tracking of your financial data.

Liquidity Maintenance
Liquidity equates to survival in the business world. Ensure you have enough cash or easily convertible assets. Don't tie up all your resources in long-term investments; keep a part of them liquid. Investments are smart, but they are not great for immediate emergency expenses. If you happen to be caught between investments,  utilize small business loans, to at least build up some credit for your business instead of cashing out a young investment.

Regulatory Compliance
Adhere to financial regulations and norms diligently. Non-compliance doesn't just result in penalties but also tarnishes your reputation. Maintain a compliance checklist and review it regularly. The one thing consumers will never forgive is their money being mishandled.

Final Thoughts

In the complex maze of business leadership, finance serves as your compass. The integration of sound financial planning and adept leadership cultivates a fertile ground for business growth and sustainability. Avoid pitfalls by being proactive rather than reactive. By following these fundamental strategies, you can make your finances flourish.

Guest Author

Katie Pierce is a teacher-slash-writer who loves telling stories to an audience, whether it’s bored adults in front of a computer screen or a bunch of hyperactive 4-year-olds. Writing keeps her sane (most of the time) and allows her to enjoy some quiet time in the evening before she walks into a room of screaming kids (all of whom she loves dearly) the next morning.

The Human Animal


Resilience – Autonomic Nervous System – Nature – Martial Arts – Human Biology 

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Frank Forencich, an internationally recognised leader in health and performance education with black belt rankings in karate and aikido talks about the autonomic nervous system and its influence on our health and performance, as well as our relationship with the natural world.

Frank introduces two African concepts: ubuntu, which refers to social identity and group membership, and biophilia, which is an innate love for nature, and he discusses the concept of biophilia and its importance for humans to connect with nature in order to thrive. The conversation also touches upon the importance of debate and dialogue in resolving conflicts, using examples from martial arts such as Aikido where opponents harmonise with each other's movements rather than fight against them.

Frank shares the importance of meditation, relaxation, exercise, and sleep for overall health. He also talks about his book 'The Enemy is Never Wrong' which is aimed at educating young activists on strategies and tactics for making a difference in the world. He emphasises the need to approach activism as medicine, as it can have positive effects on mental health and well-being.

Main topics

  • The study of human history and how people perceive the world.

  • How to turn on the autonomic nervous system at the appropriate moment to avoid chronic stress.

  • How martial arts develop the whole person and help people understand the environment to take appropriate action.

  • The importance of education and not criticising the enemy

  • The need for engagement to improve people’s health.

  • The lost art of conversation and verbal dexterity and the importance of harmony in martial arts to avoid conflict.

  • The value of sleep.


1: Introduction and Background. The host introduces the guest, Frank Forencich, and asks about his background in martial arts and human biology. - 00:00-01:10

2: Martial Arts and Philosophy. Frank talks about how martial arts is about understanding the world and taking appropriate action, and how this philosophy is present in Eastern culture and philosophy - 01:10-06:17

3: Ecology and Understanding Our Place in the World. Frank discusses the importance of understanding our place in the natural world and how modern ecological science is telling us this story - 06:17-09:34

4: Human Animal and Physiology. Frank explains why he uses the term "human animal" and how it relates to his background in human biology and physiology - 09:34-12:56

5: The Enemy is Never Wrong. Frank talks about his book, which is written for young activists, and emphasises the importance of being fluid and adaptable in conflict situations - 12:56-18:29

6: Engaging in the World. Frank discusses the importance of engagement and how it can improve our health and verbal dexterity - 18:29-23:04

7: Dialogue and Debate. Frank talks about the lost art of conversation and how dialogue is more effective than debate in conflict situations - 23:04-27:18.

8: Conclusion - 27:18-28:40

Action items

Check out Frank's website at or get social with him on Facebook  | Twitter His book is The Enemy is Never Wrong: Martial Art, Activism, and the Fight for a Functional Future.

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Develop your bold voice


Resilience – Bold Voice – Communication – Self-talk – Verbal Regulation

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Vasavi Kumar talks about the power of resilience and developing a bold voice. She emphasises the importance of being kind to oneself and how negative inner voices stem from external sources like parents or authority figures. Vasavi stresses that tone of voice is crucial in communication, especially when giving feedback, and offers training programs to help people play with their voices. Furthermore, she believes that discovering one's bold voice can empower marginalised communities who often lack representation.

 Vasavi also discusses the importance of taking personal responsibility for one's own voice and beliefs, while also acknowledging the role of collective responsibility and helping people overcome negative self-talk and organise their thoughts through verbal regulation.

Main topics

  • How did Vasavi come up with the concept of developing a bold voice?

  • What are some practical ways to get clear on what you want and don't want in your life?

  • How can verbal regulation help organise your mind and ideas?


1: Introductions - 00:00-01:14

2: Understanding the Power of Resilience - 01:15-03:59

3: Inner and Bold Voices - 04:21-06:03

4: Tone of Voice - 07:33-09:47

5: Using Your Voice for a Force of Good - 10:11-11:34

6: Practical Ways to Organise Your Life - 13:18-14:46

7: Conclusion - 15:10-15:24

Action items

You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Adversity to Advantage: Navigating Life's Setbacks and Emerging Stronger Than Before by Regi Publico

Life is like a trip with good and bad times, successes, and tough moments. Everyone faces adversity, but what matters is how we handle it and use it to do better and be better. 

In this article, we shall explore the skill of transforming adversity into advantage. We'll tap into emotional resilience's power and adopt a mindset that propels us to emerge from life's challenges even stronger than ever before.

Understanding What Adversity is All About 

Adversity presents itself in various forms—personal struggles, professional hurdles, health challenges, and setbacks in relationships. 

What’s crucial is recognizing it as an inherent facet of life. It’s natural and inevitable, and it signifies neither failure nor frailty. Adversity is the gateway to growth, transformation, and fortified emergence.

Shifting Perspective: Seeing Challenges as Catalysts

Adopting a new outlook is key to facing adversity. Instead of succumbing to negativity, we can see challenges as opportunities for change. 

Adversity pushes us beyond our comfort zones, compelling us to innovate, adapt, and explore. This shift in perspective ignites determination to conquer challenges.

The Role of Emotional Resilience in Overcoming Adversity

Emotional resilience is at the core of conquering adversity. It's about bouncing back and staying steady when life gets rough. Growing emotional resilience gives us the tools to face tough times with strength and bravery. Here’s how: 

Building Emotional Reserves

Emotional reserves resemble a reservoir of strength we can tap into when facing challenges. This entails nurturing our emotional well-being through self-care practices, fostering positive self-communication, and cultivating meaningful relationships. A surplus of emotional reserves equips us to readily navigate the emotional impact of adversity.

Developing Coping Strategies

Coping strategies are the practical techniques we use to manage stress and overcome challenges. These strategies can range from mindfulness exercises and deep breathing to seeking support from friends, family, or professionals. Developing a toolkit of effective coping strategies empowers us to face adversity with a clear mind and a steady heart.

Transforming Setbacks into Personal Growth

Setbacks and failures act as the building blocks for personal growth. They offer valuable lessons and insights that can shape our journey towards becoming better versions of ourselves.

Learning from Failures and Mistakes

Mistakes and failures are not indicators of incompetence; they're opportunities for growth. Analyzing what went wrong, understanding the contributing factors, and learning from these experiences help us refine our approach, make better choices, and build resilience.

Cultivating Adaptability and Flexibility

Adversity demands adaptation to new situations and challenges. Being adaptable helps us navigate new things easily. It's about embracing change, being open to new ideas, and getting good at doing well in ever-changing environments.

Strategies for Emerging Stronger from Life's Challenges

When faced with life's challenges, it's essential to have some strategies that can help us not only endure but also thrive. Here are some effective approaches to emerging stronger from adversity:

Setting and Pursuing Resilience-Driven Goals

Resilience-driven goals are aspirations rooted in the desire to grow and overcome. 

By setting goals that focus on building emotional strength, adapting to change, and learning from setbacks, we create a roadmap for our personal development. These goals serve as beacons of hope and motivation, guiding us through adversity toward a stronger future.

Seeking Support and Connection

One of the most powerful strategies is seeking support and fostering connections. Adversity doesn't imply solitude; remember, we're not alone. 

Reaching out to friends, family, mentors, or support groups gives us access to diverse viewpoints, motivation, and understanding. Sharing our challenges serves as a means to unburden ourselves emotionally and reinforces our belonging to a supportive community.

Prioritizing Wellness

Incorporating wellness into our journey can offer a transformative experience. So indulge in a luxurious facial spa to rejuvenate your skin or a wellness retreat to revitalize your soul. 

These practices can serve as a much-needed pause from life's challenges, allowing you to reset and gain a fresh perspective.

Embracing Change and Reinvention

Adversity often prompts change, and embracing it can be a powerful strategy. Instead of resisting change, view it as an opportunity to reinvent yourself. 

Use the momentum of challenging times to explore new interests, acquire new skills, or pursue passions you've set aside. Embracing change with an open heart can lead to unexpected personal growth.

Celebrating Small Wins

Amidst life's challenges, celebrating small wins can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost your morale. Recognize even the smallest achievements and milestones along your journey. 

These celebrations aren't just about recognizing your advancements. They're also powerful reminders of your resilience and the strides you're taking, making you even stronger.


Life's setbacks might feel overwhelmingly difficult, but they can be overcome. By shifting your perspective and leveraging the lessons they offer, you can navigate adversity and emerge stronger than before.

Guest Author

 Regi Publico is a full-time writer who is also an artist for fun. She takes pride in her towering collection of books and loves reading about anything under the sun. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge through every article that she writes.

Controlling our emotional states


Resilience – Neurodiversity – Neuroplascity – Creativity – Brain - Emotions

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Chris Marshall, a behavioural scientist who specialises in decision making and foresight. discusses the relationship between stress and pessimism.

Chris has a wealth of life experience and a unique perspective. As a High Functioning Autistic (HFA), Chris has always seen the world a little differently. But this different perspective has fuelled his curiosity and led him on a series of adventures – from ski racing to behavioural science to global macro strategy – to becoming a Master Distiller and owning an international award-winning distillery. 

Chris is now director of the Fast Paced Complex Environments (FPCE) Institute, which brings together a wide range of fields to address some of the most complex challenges facing society today and he uses his unique perspective to offer fresh insights and new ways of thinking about the world around us.

In this podcast Chris discusses neurodiversity, the diversity in both brain wiring and thoughts and talks about how it has been seen as a disorder or disease in the past, but now it's being seen as a real source of creativity and different thinking. He also talks about his work in foresight, where he looks at trends and megatrends driving change globally. He believes that if we can harness humanity's natural abilities to be innovative, adaptable, and creative, we can overcome all obstacles ahead of us.

Main topics

  • How stress can elevate pessimistic viewpoints due to neuroplascity effects on our brain circuits

  • Why becoming aware of our emotional state is important for controlling it.

  • How emotions are just signals representing ease of thinking about a specific concept and not necessarily positive or negative.


1: Introductions (00:02 - 00:45)
2: Discussion on Chris’s research on behavioural science, risk-taking, and foresight (00:45 - 07:52)
3: The relationship between creativity, innovation, adaptability, and resilience (07:52 - 11:37)
4: The role of self-inflicted stress and pressure in creativity (11:37 - 14:34)
5: The importance of understanding the wider context and the uncertain and unsettling landscape of change (14:34 - 23:08)
6: Human history's ability to be innovative, adaptable, and creative (23:08 - 24:27)
7: Chris Marshall’s book, Decoding Change, and how to find more information about it (24:27 - 29:16)
8: Conclusion and final remarks (29:16 - 29:42)

Action items

You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Passion into purpose


Resilience – Passion – Purpose – Female Entrepreneurs – Leadership – Values - Renewal

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Julie Perkins. After a 20-year career with Specsavers which included opening up the business in the Netherlands and Northern Europe, Julie decided to use the experience and learning she’d gained to support female entrepreneurs as grow their businesses in a more seamless way.

Julie has witnessed the ins and outs of a business founded in a spare room and launched onto the world stage, to surviving cancer, to writing books (The Wyse Way) and hosting her own podcast, She is now sought after for her advice and guidance for decluttering the minds of female entrepreneurs, and translating experience and researched theories into a language that helps her clients to see the path to growth, whilst ensuring it remains an exciting adventure.

Main topics

  • Why we need to step back and stop ‘doing more and more’

  • Why we need to ask ourselves the right questions

  • Creating space between yourself and the purpose of the organisation

  • The importance of constantly renewing yourself

  • Fostering purpose led growth


1.     Introductions. 00.00 – 04.51
2.    The greatest learning. 04.51 – 08.31
3.    Growth and success. 08.34 – 11.21
4.    Questions that give perspective. 11.21 – 17.33
5.    Learning through failure. 17.33 – 20.49
6.    Passion into purpose. 20.49 – 26.55
7.    Contact details and action points. 28.02 – 30.33

 Action items

Find out more about Julie at

You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Recognising a toxic work culture

With senior executives at ITV defending their work culture against allegations of bullying, trauma and discrimination, allegations of bullying against Dominic Raab and of misconduct at the CBI, workplace toxicity has never been so high-profile.  And recent research shows that these problems are a lot more common than you might think. In the US, around 30 million or one in nine workers consider their workplace toxic according to research from MIT Sloan School of Management, with the three main factors creating toxic cultures being bad leadership, toxic social norms, and poorly designed job roles.

These unhealthy and negative workplace environments can have detrimental effects on employees' well-being, job satisfaction, and productivity and are characterised by various negative behaviours, practices, and attitudes that hinder collaboration, growth, and a sense of belonging. So, if you’re looking to move jobs, what are the signs that an organisation is ‘toxic’?

1.     High employee turnover: A consistently high turnover rate may be an indication of a toxic work culture. People tend to leave in search of a healthier environment.

2.     Lack of trust and transparency: In a toxic work culture, there is often a lack of trust and transparency between management and employees. Important information is withheld, decisions are made without consultation, and communication is inconsistent or one-sided.

3.     Negative and gossip-filled environment: A toxic work culture often fosters negativity and gossip. If you frequently hear employees complaining, engaging in office politics, or spreading rumours, it suggests an unhealthy atmosphere.

4.     Micromanagement and lack of autonomy: If employees are excessively micromanaged and not given the autonomy to make decisions and contribute their ideas, it can indicate a lack of trust and a toxic work culture. Micromanagement can lead to feelings of frustration, disempowerment, and decreased job satisfaction.

5.     Lack of work-life balance: When work-life balance is disregarded, and employees are expected to work long hours consistently or are discouraged from taking time off, it can contribute to burnout and negatively impact well-being.

6.     Bullying or harassment: Any form of bullying, harassment, or discrimination within the workplace is a clear indication of a toxic work culture. This can include verbal abuse, insults, belittlement, or any behaviour that creates a hostile work environment.

7.     Lack of recognition and appreciation: In a toxic work culture, employees' efforts and achievements are often overlooked or undervalued which can lead to demotivation and decreased morale.

8.     Fear-based management: When fear and intimidation tactics are used to manage employees, it indicates a toxic work culture. Fear-based management can include threats of job loss, public humiliation, or unfair treatment.

9.     Resistance to feedback and change: Toxic work cultures often resist feedback and change. If suggestions for improvement are dismissed or met with hostility, and the organisation remains stagnant in its processes and practices, it suggests an unhealthy work culture.

10.  Physical and mental health issues: A toxic work culture can contribute to physical and mental health problems among employees. Increased stress levels, anxiety, depression, and physical ailments like headaches or sleep disorders may be prevalent.

Toxic workplaces are psychologically, emotionally, and physically draining so it’s best to avoid them completely. They can be difficult to spot though as the recruitment process puts leaders and teams on their best behaviour but research about the company prior to the interview and looking for the warning signs during the interview process could provide a heads-up.  Asking specific questions about work culture, expectations, employee turnover and workload and if possible, talking to current employees to get their perspective should also help avoid getting pulled in.

Be inspired by success ... and failure


Resilience – Success – Failure – Vision - Goals

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Dr Russell Thackeray talks to Jim Harshaw, a personal performance coach and host of the Success Through Failure podcast. Despite humble beginnings as the son of a construction worker and secretary, Jim became an NCAA Division I All-American wrestler and later the youngest Division I head coach in the country.

Jim initially struggled to achieve his goal of becoming an All-American wrestler but on the eve of his last season as a senior wrestler, he gave up on obsessing over the outcome and instead focused solely on putting in his best effort without worrying about whether it would lead to achieving his goal or not. This mindset shift allowed him to perform at his best and enjoy competing more than ever before.

Now as president of The Harshaw Group, his performance coaching firm, he has helped CEOs, entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 leaders, and athletes from the NFL, UFC, NCAA, and Olympics maximize their potential, build high- performing teams, and increase resilience by leveraging failure for successim. Jim emphasises that while having a vision and goals are important for success, it's equally crucial to let go of any fear or fixation on outcomes so that you can focus fully on performing your best in each moment without being held back by anxiety or pressure.

Main topics

  • The elements of the four-part framework for success

  • The importance of mental focus, hard work, and inspired action.

  • The importance of focusing on the process rather than the outcome.

  • How creating a vision in all areas of life (relationships, self, health, and wealth) is critical for setting goals that align with one's purpose

  • The importance of failure in personal growth

  • The need for infrastructure to support resilience in real-world situations

  • The difference between hard work and inspired action and the significance of having both in alignment with one's vision.

  • The importance of having a clear vision and values to create an environment of excellence.

  • Why having goals, micro-goals, coaches, and people around you is essential for achieving success consistently.


1: Introduction to Resilience Unravelled - 00:00-00:33
2: Four-part framework for success - 05:35-11:11
3. Applying the framework - 11:11- 17:57
4: Mindset and Performance Psychology - 18:22-22:43
5: Learning and Growth - 25:17-26:32
6: Conclusion and Call to Action - 27:39- 34

Action items

Visit Jim’s website, to schedule a 30-minute conversation about how the framework applies to your life, or to listen to some episodes and access the action plans from those episodes.

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Grief, loss and resilience


Resilience – Grief – Loss - Purpose

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Dr. Russell Thackeray talks to Marv Weidner about his experience with grief after losing his wife to cancer in 2017. After he lost his wife, Marty, Marv was unsure how to find the resilience and sense of purpose to begin living his life again. With the help of Carol, a counsellor for over 22 years who specialises in grief, Marv learned valuable lessons about facing grief head-on, embracing loss as an integral part of life, staying present in the midst of trauma, de-stressing in healthy ways, and reaffirming or discovering a new sense of purpose. 

Marv discusses the intense physical, emotional and spiritual impact of grief, as well as the importance of embracing it rather than pushing it away and also talks about rediscovering a sense of purpose after loss and how living with an open heart has become his new purpose. Marv also discusses his new book, "When the Rocks Sing," which serves as a guidebook and handbook for those who have experienced loss. The title of the book comes from an experience Marv had on a rocky beach in New Zealand where he was able to hear rocks chattering against each other due to having a calm mind and clear heart The book grew out of journaling during the grieving process and has been both cathartic and thought-provoking for him.

Main topics

  • Rediscovering a sense of purpose after loss

  • Understanding and characterising grief

  • Why embracing loss and similar challenges is an integral part of life


1: Introduction to Resilience Unravelled with Dr. Russell Thackeray - (00:00-00:06)
2: Setting the scene with Marv Weidner - (00:27-01:31)
3: Understanding Grief and its Nature - (02:49-04:50)
4: Characterising Grief and Dealing with Loss - (05:04-07:37)
5: Rediscovering Your Sense of Purpose - (10:08-12:30)
6: Writing as a Tool for Coping with Grief - (13:43-15:51)
7: A Guidebook for Grief and Loss - (15:22-16:13)
8: The Title "When the Rocks Sing" and Its Significance - (16:25-17:08)
9: Engaging the Grief Process and Finding Peace - (17:51-19:12)
10: Conclusion with Marv Weidner - (19:33-19:34) 

Action items

Contact Marv Weidner through Facebook

Read his book When the Rocks Sing

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Connecting inquiry


Resilience – Science – Spirituality – Positive Change

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Susan Bauer-Wu discusses her background in nursing and meditation research and how she became President of the Mind and Life Institute. This is an organisation co-founded by the Dalai Lama in 1987 that aims to bring science and contemplative wisdom together to better understand the mind and create positive change in the world. In her work with Mind & Life, Susan has championed “human-earth connection” as a priority.

Susan began her career as a registered nurse specialising in oncology and end-of-life care, and later completed PhD studies in psychoneuroimmunology. She has held leadership, teaching, and clinical positions in non-profits, higher education, and health care, and is the author of Leaves Falling Gently: Living Fully with Serious & Life- Limiting Illness through Mindfulness, Compassion & Connectedness.

Main topics

  • Connecting inquiry with important issues in the world today, including climate change.

  • Reversing climate crises through heart-based practices.

  • Bridging science and contemplative wisdom to create positive change in the world.

  • The need for resilience and political will in addressing climate change

  • The challenges of changing capitalism and overcoming prejudice against women like Greta Thunberg.


1:  Introduction of speakers. Susan introduces herself and her role in Mind and Life Institute- 00:00-01:54
2. Mind and Life Institute.  Susan talks about Mind and Life as an incubator for meditation researchers, shares the history of the first Mind and Life dialogue and talks about the 35 years of archival footage that Mind and Life has recorded - 02:08-04:03
3. A Future We Can Love. Susan talks about the importance of connecting inquiry with real-world issues - 06:31-07:34
4. The urgency of the climate crisis - 08:34-09:30
5. Susan talks about her latest book; A Future We Can Love - 20:45-22:37
6. The Climate Emergency feedback loops videos - 22:10-22:37
7. Capacity for Change. The capacity for humans to change their behaviour - 26:40-27:34.
8. The concept of wonderment or awe - 27:34-28:22
9. Taking Action. The importance of taking action - 28:22-29:18

Action items

To learn more, please visit
Purchase Susan’s latest book A Future we can Love.

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Building Emotional Resilience: Tools for Managing Stress and Setbacks by Edrian Blasquino

Stress is inevitable. That's why it is crucial to understand it, its causes, and how to manage it better. While stress has its benefits, too much of it can be dangerous. 

Stress happens when it detects a threat (or stressor), and the body quickly goes on high alert but quickly recovers once it passes. These stressors include health, job, finances, family, race and gender discrimination, and daily hassles. If these stressors persist, your body might be in a permanent state of high alert, resulting in problems in focusing, bad moods, professional burnout, and mental and physical health. Stress could also result in weight gain, especially during ovulation for women. However, chronic stress can cause the body to operate abnormally, leading to health issues like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and anxiety. 

But you need to know that understanding and being prepared for stress can make it easier to get through it. And controlling our well-being can help in our ability to bounce back from a stressful situation. Some of us refer to managing and overcoming stress as resilience. 

In this article, we'll talk about developing resilience so you can manage stress and setbacks in your everyday lives.

The Importance of Resilience

Resilience (or resiliency) is the ability to adjust and bounce back when things don't go as planned. Resilient people don't wallow in failure or spend too much time reflecting on it; instead, they accept the situation, admit their faults, and move on.

There are three essential factors for resilience:

Challenge: Resilient people see difficulties as challenges rather than terrifying occurrences. They perceive errors and mistakes as chances for progress and lessons to be learned. They don't see them as an insult to their intelligence or sense of worth.

Commitment: Resilient people have a strong purpose to get out of bed in the morning because they are committed to their life and ambitions. They dedicate themselves to their friendships, relationships, issues they care about, and religious or spiritual convictions in addition to their work.

Personal Control: People with high levels of resilience concentrate their time and effort on the circumstances and events they can affect. They feel empowered and confident because they focus their efforts where they will make the most significant impact. People who spend a lot of time worrying about things they cannot control frequently feel lost, useless, and unable to take any action.

How to Manage Stress and Develop Emotional Resilience

Managing stress and developing stress is crucial for one's health. Stress can lead to numerous physical, emotional, and mental health problems, such as weight gain, contagious burnout, and depression, among others. These are some advice that you can use:

Recognise Stressors and Combat Them

When you're stressed, your body will let you know with symptoms like difficulties concentrating, headaches, cold hands, tight muscles, an anxious stomach, clenched teeth, feeling on edge, fidgety, irritable, or withdrawing. You can cope with stressful situations by being aware of your body's signals. Learn to identify these feelings, either to oneself or a friend, and label them. Take action to counter their effects after that. For instance, you can relax and release tension by deep breathing, stretching, taking a stroll, writing down your thoughts, and setting aside some quiet time to concentrate.

Take Time for Yourself

Make looking for yourself a daily habit. It may mean saying "no" to requests or setting your needs above your obligations, but it is not being selfish or indulgent. Make minor adjustments to your routine to help you become more resilient to stressful situations. Work to finish in time to go to bed, exercise, eat well, and relax. Consider a personal laundry service, so you could have more time to do the things you enjoy. Adding exercise to your routine, which for some may include yoga or meditation, can be crucial when you're feeling stressed. Spending some time every day looking for the "good minutes" or doing something you enjoy, like reading a book or listening to music, can help you shift your focus from the terrible to the good.

Adopt New Habits

The additional structure can give your day a framework that enables you to pay attention to your body's signals, from arranging showers and bedtimes to blocking off time to plan and prioritize chores. Then, you might start taking action to manage stress sooner than before.

Connect and Meet New People

Thanks to technology, maintaining contact with loved ones, friends, and groups is now simpler than ever. Being or having a conversation partner can be comforting and reassuring. Also, using videos for discussions over the phone or online might improve their connection.

Reframing Problems

Consider sitting in traffic or doing chores around the house as an opportunity to enjoy music, podcasts, or beautiful vistas, as experts refer to altering how we think about and react to stress as "reframing." Consider what might happen in a rude behaviour to help you control your anger in return. Keeping things in perspective is crucial for enhancing stress resilience. In addition, you should think positively and make plans before tackling problems. Reframing is something you can practice and get better at over time.

Seek Help

Many people experience the same daily stresses brought on by caring for others, relationships, health, employment, and money. If possible, look for advice and information from friends, relatives, or other reliable sources.

Final Thoughts

One must develop resilience and stress management abilities to succeed in today's demanding world. Individuals can develop the inner strength required to overcome obstacles and maintain well-being by understanding the nature of resilience, fostering emotional well-being, developing problem-solving and adaptability skills, cultivating a supportive network, and engaging in mindfulness and stress management practices. Unlock your potential for success by adopting resilience and stress management as lifelong practices.

A leader must have the tools and resources to build resilience to lead your team better. To help you, QED Organisational Development is an innovative company that assists organisations in improving performance and results. In this demanding industry, they are experts in helping you stay resilient and connected. Click here to learn more about their services.

About the author

Edrian Blasquino is a dedicated college instructor and licensed professional teacher, committed to inspiring and empowering students through innovative techniques and real-world applications to make education relevant and impactful. With a focus on fostering critical thinking and creativity, he strives to create an engaging and inclusive learning environment, continuously adapting his teaching strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners.

Tap into your natural strengths


Resilience – Perpetual Style Theory – Perception - Senses

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Dr Russell Thackeray talks to Lynda-Ross Vega, and Gary Jordan about their Perceptual Style Theory which focuses on a strengths-oriented approach that helps people understand what they do well.

Lynda-Ross has over 35 years of experience in senior management and as a business owner/entrepreneur and is an expert at harnessing the power of perception to help individuals and organisations implement change, empower collaboration, and develop talent.  Gary has over 40 years of experience in clinical psychology, behavioral assessment, individual development, and coaching. He earned his doctorate in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology-Berkeley in 1980. In 1983 he joined forces with Lynda-Ross Vega and created Perceptual Style Theory™, a revolutionary psychological assessment system that provides the answers for people to tap into their natural strengths and find more meaning and satisfaction in life. 

Perceptual Style Theory identifies six different styles based on how people perceive the world through their senses. The six styles are vision, goals, methods, adjustments, flow, and activity and each style has relationships with its neighbouring styles as well as opposites and one-offs. Activity is described as being focused on people and networks while building meaning through personal experience. Adjustments make meaning through observation and see complexity in things.

Each style has its own unique characteristics and strengths and Lynda and Gary emphasise the importance of self-awareness in understanding one's own style and how to use it effectively. They also suggest that understanding other people's styles can improve communication and relationships.

Main topics

  • How Perpetual Style Theory helps people understand their natural and acquired skills.

  • The different styles involved in the Perpetual Style Theory

  • How the tool can be useful for self-awareness and communication

  • The importance of self-awareness

 Action items

You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Negotiate differently

Key Words

Resilience  - Negotiation – Conflict Resolution – Mindset – Authenticity – Bias – Cultural Difference

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Dr Russell Thackeray talks to Beth Fisher-Yoshida, a global expert and educator in intercultural negotiation and communication. She’s the program director of Columbia University’s Master of Science in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution and a negotiation consultant for the United Nations. IN this podcast Beth talks about how everyone can make a difference by being open to learning how to negotiate differently.

Beth talks about negotiation and conflict resolution and the importance of having a flexible mindset when operating in different cultures or dealing with conflicts, the challenges posed by media polarisation and the loss of objective news reporting. She also touches on the importance of debate and learning from arguments, even if one doesn't "win."

Beth highlights the importance of being open-minded, adaptable, and respectful in relationships and learning, the challenges of bias and cultural differences that affect negotiations and the different contexts in which negotiations occur. She also outlines the tools and skills necessary for successful negotiations as well as the need to be both a teacher and a learner. She then touches on the concept of authenticity, emphasising that it does not mean being uncontrolled or inflexible but rather embracing all facets of oneself while adapting to different contexts.

Main topics

  • The importance of having a flexible mindset when operating in a different culture

  • The importance of listening and considering another person's point of view

  • Tools and techniques for negotiation

  • The language of conflict resolution

  • The importance of debate

  • How you can learn from losing an argument


1: Introduction - Russell Thackeray introduces Beth Fisher-Yoshida - 00:00-00:23
2: Background - Beth talks about her background and how she got interested in conflict resolution and negotiation - 02:02-03:29
3: Language and Conflict Resolution - Russell asks Beth about the development of language in conflict resolution and negotiation - 04:32-05:53
4: The Art of Debate - Russell and Beth discuss the importance of debate and the possibility of losing an argument while still learning from it - 08:21-09:01
5: Learning and Adapting - Russell and Beth talk about the different ways of learning and adapting to different cultures and environments - 11:23-13:42
6: New Story, New Power: A Woman's Guide to Negotiation - Beth talks about her book, New Story, New Power, and its contents and structure - 17:34-20:12
7: Negotiation Tools and Techniques - Russell asks Beth about some of the tools and techniques for negotiation that are discussed in her book - 20:20-21:17
8: Real-Life Examples - Russell Thackeray and Beth Fisher-Yoshida discuss some of the real-life examples of negotiation that are presented in her book - 21:17-22:45
9: Conclusion - Russell Thackeray and Beth Fisher-Yoshida wrap up the conversation and discuss how to find out more about Beth Fisher-Yoshida and her book 24:02-25:06

Action items

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Future proof your organisation


Resilience – Future Proofing – Adaptive Transformation – Processes and Systems

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Lisa L. Levy an author, speaker, coach, consultant, and entrepreneur talks about future proofing your organisation. Lisa is the author of  Future Proofing Cubed and founder of Lcubed Consulting, a management consulting firm that focuses on aligning  people, processes and technology.

Her secret sauce to success is leveraging key elements of Project Management, Process Performance Management, Internal Controls, and Organisational Change Management to build teams with the skills and capabilities to drive strategic results. Lisa focuses on helping her clients narrowed down the top 3 challenges they usually face:
Clarity - complete analysis to identify your business & revenue inhibitors.
Enablement - mind control empowerment for your entire team and organisation
Performance - clear objectives and frequent accountability and performance review

Main topics

  • The importance of processes in organisations and the need to break them to be more innovative and efficient.

  • The importance of process building, system design, and leadership management in future-proofing an organisation.

  • The challenge of aligning people, processes, and technology to achieve organisational goals.

  • The need for effective communication and training to ensure the successful implementation of systems and processes.

  • The importance of adaptability, innovation, and ideation in business.

  • The need to constantly generate new ideas to stay ahead of competitors and avoid stagnation.

  • The importance of learning from failures.

  • The lack of understanding of process and statistics among managers.

  • The need for businesses to be agile and adaptable in order to succeed in an ever-changing world.


1: Introduction from Dr Russell Thackeray - 00:01-00:38

2. Lisa’s background - 01:31-02:30:

3. Russell asks Lisa about her concept of future proofing - 04:48-05:57:

4. Lisa explains her adaptive transformation framework and how it can be used by companies of any size - 05:26-06: 34:

5. Russell asks about Lisa’s personal background and experience with future proofing.06:47-07:39:

6. Russell asks Lisa about the critical processes that business owners and board members need to be aware of to future proof their organisation - 13:41-15:25

7. Lisa discusses the importance of organisational change management and leadership in future proofing - 15:26-17:03:

8. Lisa discusses her book, Future Proofing Cubed, and its focus on the Adaptive Transformation Frameworks - 20:06-21:13

9. Lisa describes her favourite chapter in the book, which addresses the problems that keep leaders up at night - 21:27-22:35:

10. Russell and Lisa discuss the importance of ideation and learning in future proofing. - 26:06-26:41

11. Russell thanks for her time and asks how listeners can find out more about her - 27:28-29:45:

Action items

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Building talent-centric organisations

 Keywords – Resilience – Communication Style – Leadership Alignment – Performance –Talent-centric

 In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Dr Russell Thackeray talks to Carol Schultz a talent equity and leadership advisory expert. Recognised for her proficiency in corporate leadership, Carol spent three decades helping executives gain clarity in their careers, make bold leadership moves, and create cultures of performance.

In this podcast Carol talks about her work helping companies build talent-centric organisations. She explains that leadership alignment is crucial to achieving this goal and that she often starts with discovery meetings to identify gaps in vision and communication. She also discusses generational differences in communication preferences, the importance of diversity for avoiding groupthink and the challenge of dealing with conflict as a leader.

Carol also discusses the importance of communication and coaching for effective workplace relationships. She believes that blind spot awareness is crucial for building a talent-centric organisation but acknowledges that not all successful organisations prioritise this. She also talks about the challenge of working with people who have different beliefs or backgrounds, and how to navigate personal issues in the workplace.

Finally, she mentions her book "Powered by People," which focuses on recruitment, retention, and revenue in talent-centric organisations.

Main topics

  • discovering gaps in vision, business strategy, and communication

  • the differences in communication between generations

  • the importance of effective communication and understanding

  • coaching to uncover blind spots and give AHA moments

  • getting leadership teams aligned so they can take action on other matters

  • the need for effective team communication

  • understanding the preferred communication style of team members

  • addressing personal issues that may affect an employee's performance in the workplace.

  • why leadership teams should be open to conversations about improving organisational performance


1: Introduction and Guest Introduction (0:00-0:24)
2: Aligning Leadership Teams (0:50-2:58)
3: Communication Differences (3:06-4:37)
4: Effective Communication Strategies (5:20-6:35)
5: Coaching for Improved Communication (15:06-17:16)
6: Overcoming Personal Biases (18:10-20:47)
7: Addressing Organisational Issues (21:03-23:26)
8: Guest's Book and Interview (25:09-27:39) 

Action items

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.