Defeating SAD


Resilience – SAD – Light Therapy – Brain Science – Circadian Rhythms – Vagus Nerve – Transcendental Meditation

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Norman Rosenthal, a psychiatrist and writer discusses his background in psychiatry research and writing. Norman talks about how his career has emerged from various opportunities and interests in science, art, and literature. He explains his involvement in the discovery of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and the role of light therapy in treating it. He also touches on the challenges of conducting reliable research in brain science and the potential benefits of light therapy for other psychiatric conditions. Additionally, he discusses the importance of using proper lightboxes for therapy and mentions jet lag as another condition possibly influenced by circadian rhythms or light exposure.

Main topics

  • The importance of light in regulating circadian rhythms and its effects on mood.

  • How transcendental meditation can help with winter depression

  • The role of the vagus nerve in relaxation

  • The therapeutic power of poetry.

  • The need for multiple approaches to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

  • The benefits of using different techniques such as light therapy, exercise, cognitive interventions, socialisation, and meditation to treat SAD


1: Introduction and Background -: Introduction to the guest. 00:02-02.37
2: The Convergence of Science, Art, and Literature - 02:57-04:47
3: Reproducibility in Research - 07:55- 09:03
4: Seasonal Rhythms and Bright Light Therapy -10:22-11:31
5: Transcendental Meditation (TM) - 15:08 - 18:43
6: Multiple Approaches to Well-being - 19:59-20:54
7: The Power of Poetry - 21:26-24:44
8: Research Challenges and Instincts - 25:21-26:31
9: Audience Interaction and Book Recommendations - 27:22-28:39

Action items

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
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