Blind Ambition. From Victim to Visionary.


Resilience – Vision Loss – Adaptation – Trust – Communication – Virtual Work Environment – Technological Change

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Chad E Foster talks about his personal experience of losing his vision due to an inherited eye condition called retinitis pigmentosa. He describes how he initially struggled with the loss, exhibiting a victim mentality, but later found solace and a new perspective after meeting and living with people who faced multiple disabilities. He emphasises the transformative impact of this experience, which shifted his attitude towards one of gratitude and appreciation.

Main topics

  • Chad's Journey of relearning and adaptation after losing his vision

  • Why effective communication is essential for safety and performance

  • The challenges and importance of building trust and maintaining team relationships in a virtual work environment

  • The need for intentionality in creating micro interactions before, during, and after virtual meetings to foster personal connections and demonstrate care beyond transactional work

  • How the differences, including disabilities, can provide unique perspectives and skills, and should be viewed as gifts rather than obstacles

  • The growing importance of resilience in the face of rapid technological change

  • The five pillars of resilience: adopting a flexible mindset, reframing situations as opportunities, finding meaning in adversity, cultivating a growth mindset, and seeking help when needed

  • The significance of cognitive reframing, and the necessity to visualise greatness even in unfavourable circumstances to inspire action and hard work for progress

  • The importance of stepping outside one's comfort zone for growth and development

  • How pushing through discomfort and terror can lead to expansion of one's comfort zone and improved clarity of thought

  • The importance of taking advantage of perceived disadvantages and how every perceived disadvantage offers an advantage if used in the right context

  • Overcoming fear by starting small and building up confidence through a series of small victories.

 Action items

 You can find out more about Chad at

Chad’s book is Blind Ambition: How to Go from Victim to Visionary