Positive Psychology for entrepreneurs


Resilience – Entrepreneurship – Positive Psychology

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Aaron Marcum, an entrepreneur with a background in the health care and home care space talks about the intersection of positive psychology and how it can help entrepreneurs navigate uncertainties and stress. He also talks about the importance of finding balance between professional and personal life, the challenges and perceptions of being an entrepreneur, the motivations and challenges of entrepreneurs and the influence of unconscious habits and character strengths on performance.

Main topics

  • Using the science of positive psychology to help entrepreneurs achieve the 'good life'

  • The commonalities and differences in the entrepreneurial journey

  • How obsessive passion can lead to personal struggles and relationship issues

  • The motivations and challenges of entrepreneurs

  • Why many entrepreneurs are driven by fear, rather than a desire to succeed.

  • The three levels of faith in a business setting - faith in oneself, faith in others, and faith in a higher power

  • The influence of unconscious habits and character strengths on performance.

  • The concept of 'entrepreneurial habits' or 'unconscious choices'

  • Intentionally making unconscious habits like love, a part of our daily routine.

  • Why ultimate performance is a result of unconscious choices

  • Having a deep purpose and being clear on it

 Action items

 Find out more about Aaron at LinkedIn or EntreThrive. His book is EntreThrive: The Entrepreneur's Eight Laws to Accelerate Financial Freedom While Creating The Good Life

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
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