When does a tough leader become a toxic one?

Being a leader is complex. They are expected to maintain consistently high performance and productivity, create a collaborative, cohesive culture, deal with interpersonal conflict, engage and develop talent, lead and support change initiatives, establish goals and priorities and all while creating a sense of inclusion and belonging.

It’s a tough role and leaders may feel they need to be tough to maintain the high standards they set for their team.  But they need to remember to apply those same standards to their own performance because it’s very easy to slip from being a tough leader to a toxic one. The two styles have very similar behaviours at times but there are distinct differences.

  • Feedback and Criticism: A Tough Manager is direct but fair in their assessments and provides constructive feedback and criticism that’s aimed at improving performance and achieving goals. A Toxic Manager is more likely to offer destructive criticism, often attacking individuals personally rather than focusing on performance and is  demoralising and undermines confidence.

  • Leadership Style: Tough Managers employ a firm leadership style that pushes employees to excel and meet high standards, giving clear expectations and support for their team, A Toxic Manager will rely on fear, intimidation, and manipulation to control their team and use bullying tactics and favouritism to create a hostile work environment.

  • Conflict Resolution: A Tough Manager addresses conflicts directly and facilitates resolution through open communication and collaboration, encouraging dialogue and seeking mutually beneficial solutions. A Toxic Manager escalates conflicts, fuels drama, and may even instigate conflicts for personal gain, playing favourites or pitting team members against each other.

  • Employee Development: Tough Managers invest in employee development, provide opportunities for growth and advancement and mentor and coach employees to help them reach their potential. Toxic Managers stifle employee development by hoarding opportunities, withholding resources, or actively sabotaging the growth of others to maintain control or power.

  • Impact on Team Morale: Although they may be demanding a Tough Manager will ultimately inspire and motivate their team to achieve goals by fostering a culture of accountability and excellence. A Toxic Manager will negatively impact team morale, leading to high turnover, low engagement, and decreased productivity. Their presence creates a toxic work environment that can spread negativity throughout the organisation.

In essence, a tough manager challenges their team to perform at their best while supporting their growth and development, whereas a toxic manager undermines their team's confidence and well-being through destructive behaviours and a negative work environment which can have detrimental effects on employees' well-being, job satisfaction, and productivity.