The shift to internal mobility

Although some sectors saw increased unemployment levels during the pandemic, many organisations are now finding it hard to recruit highly qualified candidates. This makes it all the more important to access the skills already existing in the organisation so the focus moves from external recruitment to internal mobility.

Internal Mobility programmes give employees the opportunity and training to take on a new role or even a career path with in their organisation. Through prioritising career paths, cross-training and lateral career moves, skills and experience can be transferred and nurtured internally and employees up skilled.

A successful IM programme needs to consider the organisations future strategy and then align what skills are needed now and in the future to achieve these aims. It also needs to understand the requirements of learners as well as the business so a programme is developed that engages everyone.

Studies have shown that employees are eager to develop themselves further. For some people it’s even a requirement for staying with a company. In 2022, internal mobility anchored in the company culture and made easily accessible could be the best way to develop, nurture and ultimately retain talent.