Organisational transparency. A key trend for 2023?

The last few years have been uncertain ones for organisations and employees, and this has led to many people becoming anxious about their future. In fact, 53% of workers in a recent Gallup poll said they were looking for jobs with more security whilst the Qualtrics 2023 Employee Experience Trends Report showed a fundamental change in employee expectations.

Research seems to show that the talent market is favouring the candidate over the employer so many employees are looking for a clearer picture of what the future looks like for their organisation and what their place will be in it. The way we read it, employees seem to feel empowered to expect higher standards of care and attention through health, wellbeing and work-life balance initiatives such as remote, flexible or four-day working options. They also want some reassurance on the business’s stability and the opportunities for their own career growth.

Having transparency about the organisations goals and vision can help to ease some of this this anxiety. If employees have a broader view of the organisation’s performance and goals, they can more clearly understand the work needed to achieve them. They can also see how their own responsibilities and role connects to, and supports those of their team and organisation. If managers communicate this effectively through regular reviews and feedback, they will provide an understanding of the impact and value of the employee and their work, which in turn will help boost morale, engage staff and improve retention.

Although economic conditions in 2023 may be difficult, employers will need to engage with their employees on what the future holds and also demonstrate their commitment to their wellbeing and growth. Employees are demanding greater direction from their employers and if they don’t receive it they may well go elsewhere to find it. What do you think?