Is the workplace a gratitude free zone?

To get the best from employees, it’s well established that they need to feel valued. The drive for wanting to do well primarily comes from a feeling of being acknowledged and appreciated so why do some businesses seem to think that saying thank you isn’t necessary?

Gratitude can be a great motivator! It can also contribute to the kind of workplace that has fewer sick days, lower levels of work stress, improved work relationships, and greater job satisfaction and self-esteem. Studies also show that employees who receive gratitude are more likely take on things that aren’t necessarily part of their job, helping to contribute to a culture of positivity and an environment where employees are happy to go above and beyond.

Positive habits and a culture of gratitude has to start at the top - just a quick thank you from the boss can go long way! Everyone wants to have a positive experience at work and to feel appreciated and recognised and a thank you is a no cost way of showing your appreciation.

We live in a culture where problems are regularly highlighted but the positives ignored. Leaders and managers who don’t thank their employees won’t get the best from them. A lack of gratitude leaves employees feeling unsatisfied, unappreciated and demotivated, all of which have a significant impact on employee happiness, engagement and productivity.