Upskilling. The answer to imposter syndrome?

A new survey from Reed has shown that 40% of respondents suffered from self-doubt or ‘imposter syndrome’ at some point in their career with 38% having had feelings of being out of their depth or of being inferior to their colleagues. The survey of over 2,000 UK workers and 250 UK employers also identified that imposter syndrome was more common among women (45%) and young people (53%), compared to 33% of men.

It also suggested that one of the ways to deal with importer syndrome was the use of upskilling to address personal barriers and enhance career progression. 67% of respondents expressed a willingness to consider this at some point, with 87% of 18-24, keen to explore this avenue. There were however potential obstacles with 30% of respondents citing cost as a barrier, a figure that rose to 36% percent among young people and 25% feeling finding dedicated time for upskilling would be problematical.

Impostor Syndrome is often deeply rooted in an individual’s mindset and self-perception. It often strikes at moments of success – a new job, promotion, or additional responsibilities - and can lead to people experiencing feelings of doubt about their skills, talents, or achievements.  They can also feel that they don’t deserve their success, that what they’ve achieved is down to luck, good timing or just being in the right place at the right time and that they'll be exposed as a fraud.

Upskilling can help with imposter syndrome by boosting confidence and self-esteem and building the expertise and competence that can combat the feelings of inadequacy often associated with imposter syndrome. It can also provide evidence of personal and professional growth with the recognition gained from peers and managers reinforcing a sense of belonging and legitimacy.

However, whilst bolstering competence, confidence, and recognition can be a valuable tool in overcoming imposter syndrome, it’s also essential for an individual to address their external achievements and underlying beliefs. Self-acceptance, a recognition of their potential and the ability to take ownership of their achievements are all essential in overcoming imposter syndrome.