Ryan Larson - From ladder to leader

Ryan Larson has been a firefighter in Phoenix, Arizona for twenty-one years. When he left high school he joined the fire explorer programme which he now feels not only introduced him to the fire service, but also helped to mold him into being a good citizen and human being. Ryan had some issues when he was growing up. His upbringing had been pretty tough, he wasn’t the best kid and he got involved in street fights but the explorer programme helped him to develop into a good leader and a good advocate and voice for his clients in his second career in the financial services sector.

As well as continuing his firefighting career, Ryan is the founder and CEO of FirstLine Financial, LLC where he believes everyone deserves a chance to lead a life they can be proud of as they enter retirement. He credits his empathetic leadership approach, sense of purpose and lifelong passion for helping others mitigate risk to the experiences he gained as a firefighter,  

Ryan is also the author of Ladder to Leader: My Journey from Failure to Fire to Financial Freedom, the story of his evolution from a troubled youth to a successful founder and CEO and the many life and business lessons he learned along the way. In this podcast:

  • Ryan talks about the different skills being a firefighter provides

  • Why you can’t just ‘tuck everything under the bed’

  • Transitioning from your first career to your second

You can find out more about Ryan at http://laddertoleaderbook.com

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