Carrington Smith - Look for the opportunity

Carrington Smith spent a lifetime trying to be someone else - to fit in, to be loved, to keep the peace, and to make others happy. Until finally, she discovered that her own path to happiness wasn’t based on fitting in but on standing out - celebrating her uniqueness and owning her past.

Carrington is a single mom, attorney, business owner and executive search professional. For much of her life, it was a struggle just to survive, to hold it together, to stay above water. She has survived sexual assault, two divorces, piles of debt, abuse, religious mind games, the death of loved ones, and the loss of close friends. On her journey to self-acceptance, she learned the power of perspective and began to thrive when she changed her mindset. In this podcast:

  • Carrington talks about not being defined by past events

  • Changing the focus from what’s lost to whats gained

  • Why a lack of authenticity and vulnerability can be a red flag.

You can find out more about Carrington at

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